notofonts / tibetan

Noto Tibetan
SIL Open Font License 1.1
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Several Tibetan shorthand contractions misbehaviored in Noto Sans Tibetan #26

Closed KrasnayaPloshchad closed 5 years ago

KrasnayaPloshchad commented 8 years ago

The following Tibetan shorthand contractions found at BabelStone website ( are misbehiviored when using Noto Sans Tibetan, they have some characters don't combined, placed incorrect, or displaying dotted circle within the text:

དཀྱོིར་ ས་ གྱིུག་ གྲུབྙི་ གྲོིན་ གྲོེར་ དགློེང་ རྪོ་ དངྲོུབ་ བཅྲུག་ ཆྡ་ ཆྲིུན་ ཆུབྙི་ ཆྲོུལ་ ཆྲོུལ་ མཆོེན་ འཆྡིག་ འཆྱོིར་ འཇིགྙི་ མཐྡག་ མཐོེང་ མཐོིས་ དྲུངྡུ་ བདུདྙི་ རྡོེ་ ཕྙོ་ འཕེལྙི་ མི་འཕྲོདྙི་ མོེག་ མྟོེག་ མོེང་ སྨིནྲུག་ ཙྡན་ ཚྡེན་ མཚྮུཾས་ རྫྲུལ་ འོེར་ ཡྟོན་ རིནོེ་ ཤྑོན་ སངྱས་ སྲོེས་ ལྷྒ་ ལྷྱས་ ལྷནོ༹ཊ་ ལྷུནྲུབ་ ལྷྱོགས་

My user agent is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0

TidharC commented 8 years ago

This issue is at least partially reproducible.

Comparing Noto Sans Tibetan to Kokonor, Noto has fewer dotted circles (see screenshot). notosanstibetanandkokonor

marekjez86 commented 5 years ago

should be fixed in newly updated (and its TTF counterpart)

marekjez86 commented 5 years ago
