notracking / hosts-blocklists

Automatically updated, moderated and optimized lists for blocking ads, trackers, malware and other garbage
2.31k stars 148 forks source link

Include to #746

Closed Sn0whax closed 2 years ago

Sn0whax commented 2 years ago

This is a feature request to add the blocklist "" to to allow further blocking.

The host site is which is a respectable site with a large list of junk to block for various methods.

Per the site: This will not interfere with: Torrent, Warez, Porn, Crypto Exchanges, News Satire, Slickdeals (or shopping sites in general), Google (shopping), Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Link Shortners, Affiliate/Tracking Links, Gambling, Surveys, etc.

notracking commented 2 years ago

This will not be added as this is a list build up from various other sources.