notthebee / t440p-airport

Fitting an Apple Airport card into Thinkpad T440p
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Not recognized in catalina #3

Open jesp010 opened 4 years ago

jesp010 commented 4 years ago

Bought the same adapter as you, same wifi card but it seems catalina doesn't recognize it. image image

Bluetooth works fine

I have a t440p with unlocked bios, removed wifi whitelist.

jesp010 commented 4 years ago

Fixed it, disabled gatekeeper with hackintool, removed IO80211Family.kext and IO80211FamilyV2.kext from Catalina S/L/E, and installed same kexts but from macos Sierra in L/E, you can download them here:

Now wifi and bluetooth are working good!

Gonna keep testing if there are problems.

swatchie-1 commented 4 years ago

hi @jesp010 thanks alot for your tips. Got it to work too in opencore by activating BT4LECONTINUITYFIXUP and Airportbrcmfixup.

Unfortunately there is no apple watch unlock feature.

jesp010 commented 4 years ago

With the same adapter i ended up switching to BCM943602CS card, working OOB perfectly.