nottinghamtec / PyRIGS

📅 A Django-based event booking system designed for use by TEC PA and Lighting, a 'Student Run Service' of the University of Nottingham Students Union
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Report Generation #348

Open harry-bridge opened 5 years ago

harry-bridge commented 5 years ago

SU have asked for an inventory list so a PDF output for this should be added, long term plan would be to have generic report generation so if someone wanted to see just all the prices for assets or when they were purchased or all the things that need to be inspected by the rigging man that should be possible, but long term plan.

FreneticScribbler commented 4 years ago

Probably spreadsheet output is better than PDF...Don't have to style it for one!

tomtom5152 commented 4 years ago

@FreneticScribbler Might I suggest CSV over excel for simplicity, although excel isn’t difficult as it’s just a ZIPed XML

harry-bridge commented 4 years ago

Both was the original idea, along with picking whatever fields you wanted to go into the report

FreneticScribbler commented 4 years ago

Indeed, but CSV will take less time to implement and therefore could be implemented earlier 😛

harry-bridge commented 4 years ago

Never said which you had to do first, just saying that the insurance company people once asked for a PDF so you shouldn't discount adding it because it's a bit more effort

FreneticScribbler commented 4 years ago

Oh they specifically asked for PDF?

mattysmith22 commented 4 years ago

Is there any chance of getting an example report, so that I can see what needs to be on it?

FreneticScribbler commented 4 years ago

Weightsheet generation... 🤔

mattysmith22 commented 4 years ago

That would be different from the inventory report, though feel free to create an issue so we can start discussion!