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Being Asynchronous #29

Closed Codesleuth closed 6 years ago

Codesleuth commented 7 years ago

Many of us know about the benefits of offloading concurrent I/O operations through the use of callbacks, libraries such as async and bluebird, or using the new Promise support in browsers and Node.js. But, do you know how these work, and when you should use them?

In this talk we will review the benefits, pitfalls, and ways to implement concurrent JavaScript code in Node.js and the browser. We'll look at the support for async / await, how this differs from callbacks and asynchronous libraries, and take a brief look at how these have been implemented to gain a better understanding of what's going on under the hood.

At the end of this talk I hope you will be able to make informed decisions about the use of synchronous API methods such as readFileSync, choosing to listen to error events, and why wrapping function calls in try..catch may or may not be useful.

About me

Dave is a Software Developer at nearForm, working from home on an interesting project which centres around the use of Node.js hosted with AWS. Being a former Esendex Developer, he has strong opinions on TDD, DDD and clean code.

In 2016 Dave helped write Hackbot and the Hack24-API for use at various hack events, and spends his free time dabbling in many unfinished projects. He is an advocate for TypeScript, prefers to avoid .NET (at last), and recently converted to veganism to help save the world from self destruction.