nottsjs / speakers

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Next Frontier in Front-end Development: Real-time monitoring and alerting #59

Open ersel opened 4 years ago

ersel commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

I am preparing a new talk on real-time front-end monitoring using ElasticSearch. I would love to come and share it at nottsjs.

Here is the talk outline in more details, let me know what you think.

Do you know if your last deployment slowed page load times or increased error rates of your single-page application? Discover the next frontier of front-end development by implementing real-time performance monitoring and alerting capabilities using Elasticsearch.

In this talk, Ersel will share the learnings from integrating a react based single page application with Elasticsearch at BrightHR, an award winning SaaS solution operating in UK, Canada and Australia.

You’ll learn how metrics such as page load, asset download, network call times and errors can be captured to monitor the health and performance of your front-end in real-time.

Codesleuth commented 4 years ago

Hi @ersel, very sorry to have taken so long to reply! This sounds like an interesting talk to me - will there be some JavaScript involved? And what is your schedule like?

ersel commented 4 years ago

No worries @Codesleuth ,

Talk will touch upon implementation gotcha's, so there will be some JavaScript and React involved!

October would be best for me if you've any speaking spots then.

Codesleuth commented 4 years ago

I see! Awesome! October is tentative but if that suits you better let's propose you in the schedule.

How long is the talk, and how long do you anticipate you might need for questions?

ersel commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Around 20 mins, we can have 5-10 min Q&A.

Codesleuth commented 4 years ago

Sounds good - if it's possible to bring it to 30mins that would be better for us, but if not we will find something to fill the time.

Can you commit to 8th October already?

ersel commented 4 years ago

that should be fine, yeah if that's good with you I can put it in my calendar

Codesleuth commented 4 years ago

Hi @ersel, it's about time to announce this event and I just need a personal bio to get it started. For an example, see the footer in this event:

ersel commented 4 years ago

Hi @Codesleuth , please see below.

Ersel Aker is a full-stack developer based in Manchester, UK. He has been working with FinTech and SaaS startups using Python, Nodejs and React. He is the author of Spotify terminal client library and contributor to various open source projects. He organizes Microservices Manchester meetup quarterly and teaches JavaScript at a local part-time coding bootcamp.

Codesleuth commented 4 years ago

Perfect, thank you!

Codesleuth commented 4 years ago

Hey @ersel, we're looking forward to meeting you tomorrow! If you need any help with anything, please let us know. What time will you be in Nottingham?

ersel commented 4 years ago

Thanks @Codesleuth, likewise 🙌

I should be there at half past 5, looks like the venue is just around the corner from the station! So I think I should be fine! 👌