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Good Web Components codebases to read? #92

Closed alex-nt closed 6 years ago

alex-nt commented 6 years ago

What are some good web components codebases to read? I want to start learning more about the spec and not a specific framework. Thanks :smile:

notwaldorf commented 6 years ago

Oh hmm, that's a good question I don't have an answer to. Most Big Apps that would be worth looking at would probably use some form of small library/helpers along web components, since out of the box 🚾 are really boilerplate-y (you'd have to figure out how to do your own template stamping, updating, data bindings, etc).

For pwa-starter-kit, the project i've recently been working on, we've started using lit-html (and a lit-element base class built with lit-html) for this. Here's some sample apps we've built with it, that you might find useful from a code perspective. They're pretty big apps (not huge, just featureful), and they show different ways to organize your web components and smush them together.

Hope this helped!