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Add community posts #11

Open DuBistKomisch opened 2 years ago

DuBistKomisch commented 2 years ago

I.e. this stuff

This is actually not even possible via the official YouTube Data API, let alone a WebSub feed, so we'd need to poll and scrape so that sucks.

DuBistKomisch commented 2 years ago

Can scrape an array of the 6 most recent posts pretty easily:

curl -H 'X-YouTube-Client-Name: 1' -H 'X-YouTube-Client-Version: 2.20200214.04.00' | jq '.[1].response.contents.twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer.tabs[] | select(.tabRenderer.title == "Community") | .tabRenderer.content.sectionListRenderer.contents[0].itemSectionRenderer.contents

Has the post contents at least, upvote and comment count, and a very approximate published time.