nov / apple_id

Sign in with Apple backend library in Ruby
MIT License
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invalid_client error #20

Open harrisreynolds opened 9 months ago

harrisreynolds commented 9 months ago

I'm getting a weird invalid_client error trying to implement Sign in with Apple using this gem.

It is always failing on this line:

token_response = @client.access_token!

12:07:12 web.1  | #<AppleID::Client:0x00000001100a4518 @identifier="app.prayerteam.web", @team_id="", @key_id="YG33TJYKQ7", @private_key=#<OpenSSL::PKey::EC:0x00000001100a46f8 oid=id-ecPublicKey>, @secret=nil, @certificate=nil, @redirect_uri="", @scheme=nil, @host=nil, @port=nil, @authorization_endpoint="", @token_endpoint="", @revocation_endpoint="", @userinfo_endpoint="/userinfo", @expires_in=nil, @grant=#<Rack::OAuth2::Client::Grant::AuthorizationCode:0x000000011009eac8 @code="c46359e7ee0fc4df6a370c6a794cc7a9a.0.mryut.Qt7BFiM6rbza0iK5SEG4TA", @redirect_uri="">>
12:07:13 web.1  | Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 465ms (ActiveRecord: 6.0ms | Allocations: 14572)
12:07:13 web.1  |
12:07:13 web.1  |
12:07:13 web.1  |
12:07:13 web.1  | AppleID::Client::Error (invalid_client):
12:07:13 web.1  |
12:07:13 web.1  | app/controllers/apple_signin_controller.rb:41:in `apple_callback'

I've included in the snippet above my @client variable.

Any ideas here? This is my second run (first run was with the Apple Omniauth gem) at implementing this and have been stuck for hours trying to get basic Apple Signin to work.

harrisreynolds commented 9 months ago

Every thing works fine routing to Apple and authenticating, but the callback fails.

nov commented 8 months ago

debug raw http messages by using AppleID.debug! & curl etc. maybe client credential is wrong