nov / paypal-express

Ruby Gem for PayPal Express Checkout API
MIT License
373 stars 162 forks source link

Getting 'PayPal API Error: 'Version error'' #99

Open krzysztofbialek opened 8 years ago

krzysztofbialek commented 8 years ago

When trying to register transaction I get:

Paypal::Exception::APIError - PayPal API Error: 'Version error'

Full message says that version is not supported. I tried setting Paypal.api_version to latest and different values and it doesn't help.

This started happening suddenly yesterday. It was working fine few days ago.

full code of method

order = @order

    express_request =
      :username   => APP_CONFIG["paypal"]["api_username"],
      :password   => APP_CONFIG["paypal"]["api_password"],
      :signature  => APP_CONFIG["paypal"]["api_signature"]
    ) "==PPP Express::Request: #{express_request}"

    paypal_options = {
      no_shipping: true, # if you want to disable shipping information
      allow_note: false, # if you want to disable notes
      pay_on_paypal: true # if you don't plan on showing your own confirmation step
    } "==PPP paypal_options: #{paypal_options}"

    payment_request =
      :currency_code => "PLN",              # if nil, PayPal use USD as default
      :description   =>,    # item description
      :quantity      => 1,                  # item quantity
      :amount        =>,
      :invoice_number => ( + 100000),
      :notify_url => APP_CONFIG["paypal"]["ipn_notify_url"]

    response = express_request.setup(
      paypal_options  # Optional
    ) "==PPP response.redirect_uri: #{response.redirect_uri}"

    return response.redirect_uri

Still, example curl from paypal page works on sandbox event with my credentials

curl \
>   -s \
>   --insecure \
>   -d \
>   -d PWD=1255077037 \
>   -d SIGNATURE=Abg0gYcQyxQvnf2HDJkKtA-p6pqhA1k-KTYE0Gcy1diujFio4io5Vqjf \
>   -d METHOD=SetExpressCheckout \
>   -d VERSION=78 \
>   -d cancelUrl= \
>   -d returnUrl=
fabioglopes commented 7 years ago

Same problem here.

comp615 commented 7 years ago

I think @meal or @ianfleeton seemed to fix it here:

Maybe we can merge that back into the canonical version? @nov are you still maintaining this or is there a new canonical fork?

ianfleeton commented 7 years ago

This was @meal's work - my fork contains two improvements, neither by me. A merge from @meal's would be better.

meal commented 7 years ago

I can create PR for this but I'm not sure if @nov still maintains this repository.

krzysztofbialek commented 7 years ago

There already are pending PR with this change...Looks like this got abandoned

pastullo commented 7 years ago

That's a pity because this gem is very useful and i used it in three projects already!

dgilperez commented 7 years ago

Which fork are you currently using guys?

ianfleeton commented 7 years ago

I've started using my own fork as I need the changes I've pulled in so far, which include changes from more than one other fork.

I am working on a project that depends on this library for the next year. I'm happy to become a maintainer for the next year or so if it helps others, focusing on bug fixes / minor improvements rather than new features. I've not maintained a project before but first time for everything. Unless there are any other takers? @nov?

pastullo commented 7 years ago

awesome @ianfleeton do that! we need somebody to take over. A quick paypal integration gem is quite useful and we can't let it die.

I tried to contact @nov multiple times on email, twitter and github, but no answer. Let's move on!

dgilperez commented 7 years ago

@nov what about creating an organization for the gem? Time for this useful child to fly away?

If @nov doesn't reply, we may well create the org and move on. @ianfleeton if you need some help, I may find some time here and there.

ianfleeton commented 7 years ago

Excellent, I'll wait to see if anything happens by Sunday and if no news I'll start reviewing the current open issues and pull requests with a view to moving things forward. Any and all help welcome :)

pastullo commented 7 years ago

@ianfleeton @dgilperez shall we? 👍

ianfleeton commented 7 years ago

I've made a few commits and pulled in some others' changes into by making pull requests from their forks and merging them.


  1. PayPal API version, including with refunds (thanks @meal @netjungle)
  2. Travis build with ActiveSupport 5.x (thanks @ursm)
  3. Phone number included (thanks @fny)

The next two items to look at:

  1. Gem releases
  2. Organization

Is it time to move the discussion over to ianfleeton/paypal-express?


tansaku commented 7 years ago

if you guys want help and support from an organisation - AgileVentures is a charity that could help - we were just thinking about integrating paypal

Happy to provide a home for the project at if that's any help

tansaku commented 7 years ago

I see that Paypal also has their own ruby gem - is that any relation?

ianfleeton commented 7 years ago

PayPal Express uses the NVP / SOAP APIs instead of the REST APIs provided by that library. I don't think they overlap, but I'm not 100%.

ktopping commented 7 years ago

I encountered this same problem and it turns out that the issue was that, although the paypal-express gem hadn't changed, I had upgraded the rest-client gem from 1.8.2 to 2.0.0. The slight change between the versions is that they serialize querystring parameters slightly differently. Where 1.8.2 would emit: &SUBJECT=&VERSION=0.88 2.0.0 emits: &SUBJECT&VERSION=0.88 Although many servers understand this, seemingly Paypal's doesn't. (I'm guessing it sees one parameter named "SUBJECT&VERSION" with value "0.88" - and then complains that there's no VERSION in the request). I have implemented a horrible workaround for now (evilly monkey-patching RestClient::Utils#encode_query_string). Although fixing to 1.8.2 of the rest-client gem works, too.

ianfleeton commented 7 years ago

@ktopping have you tried using a later API version -- e.g., 204.0 to see if that helps? The fork over at uses that. If you find the same problem with that fork I'd be interested to know. Also, this fork includes the required version parameter in many more places.

I have that running with rest-client 2.0.0 no problems, though I haven't dug in to see whether the SUBJECT param is or isn't set in my usage.

(I find it interesting that your monkey patching did make a difference.. hmm)

pastullo commented 7 years ago

Quick solution: using the fork from Ian Fleeton

gem 'paypal-express', github: 'ianfleeton/paypal-express'

ianfleeton commented 7 years ago

I've pulled into the above PR #98 from @ursm (thanks!) which hopefully addresses this problem by explicitly setting a blank string for the subject parameter if it's nil.

ktopping commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the replies. I have it working at the moment but will try upgrading to ianfleeton's fork next time I rebundle.

leandro commented 7 years ago

Following @pastullo's suggestion worked for me. Thank you. Too bad that this repo doesn't seem to be receiving any attention from the creator anymore.

henrik commented 6 years ago

We just upgraded rest-client from 1.8.0 to 2.0.2 and started getting this "Version error". Changing to ianfleeton's fork as mentioned by @pastullo above fixed it. Thank you!

luismiv85 commented 2 years ago

Hi! If you want not change of repository you can use monkey patching. This is the code:

File: config/initializers/paypal.rb


Paypal::NVP::Request.class_eval do
  def common_params
      USER: self.username,
      PWD: self.password,
      SIGNATURE: self.signature,
      SUBJECT: self.subject,
      VERSION: self.version,
      version: self.version # This is necessary

A little bit late, but I hoppe help some one.

This solution was taking from ianfleeton/paypal-express repository, so thanks a lot ianfleeton