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About deploying the Nova Framework as a StarterKit - aka our idea for a NovaIgniter #324

Closed LuckyCyborg closed 8 years ago

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

The StarterKit concept is about to have an Application skeleton, ready to be specialized, who offer the usual multi-tenant infrastructure for Frontend, Backend and API, built on top of the Framework.

What is good for?

Well, everyone love to write his own Users Management, with shiny User Groups and Authorization, also his Backend too.

But, writing again and again the same structures is not fun anymore, if you have several Applications in the work. Eventually, you can even propagate some Management mistakes.

Having a minimal but well defined structure for your Backend permit you to concentrate on real things to do: you custom Application infrastructure.

In other hand, having that multi-tenant infrastructure ready-to-go can be an excellent example about how to implement the things and, not lastly, a real help for developers, who work on "real thing", not hopping that some (questionable) Tests will save their bottom.

In the Nova Framework case, this multi-tenant infrastructure can be easily implemented as Modules, who are self-contained by excellence, and, eventually permitting nuking overall thing simply, by deleting the Modules.

Our proposal is to introducing and shipping with Nova Framework a series of Modules who create that multi-tenant infrastructure, in a simple but efficient and recommended way, without making it obligatory.

Practically, it is about shipping several Modules, called: API, Cron, MediaManager, Menu, Page, System, User, who form together a ready-to-go Mini-CMS and a new Template, called Backend, with obviously use, written on top of the Premium (and Free) Theme AdminLTE.

We arrive for Backend / Administration area at something similar to:


Finally, this concept we call it NovaIgniter, in honor to a Sci-Fi device (used as super-bomb) able to make an Star to go SuperNova. Device which we suspect to be inspiration of the name of CodeIgniter, too. But us, we will use right on the real thing... :smirk:

In our case, we believe that this concept will produce a spectacular explosion of the number of applications written on Nova Framework.

sisnox commented 8 years ago

Agree 100%

dcblogdev commented 8 years ago

I love this idea, I'm really interested in the modules, I use the AdminLte theme for my CRM / CMS projects it's a great and very flexible theme!

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname Thanks!

Also us we make a huge accent on Modules, and we hope to improve them further... :smirk:

To be honest, this will be the way to create our applications on top of Nova Frameworks: Modules on top of it, with additional Composer Packages, too.

Also, having some real infrastructure to deal with development, will considerable simplify the consolidation of the code... :+1:

dcblogdev commented 8 years ago

totally agree for my projects I have a base system everything else comes from a module.

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname Yeah! We have a common pathway.

That's why we believe that having a bunch of Modules, who implement the Base Structure, ready to be extended, yet in the public eye, then anyone able to look for bugs, is a good thing.

If you agree, we will start in January to implement the StarterKit part, aka those Modules and Backend Template.

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname Also, look there:

Our BaseModel playing the things. And the used Members Model is:

class Members extends BaseModel
    protected $table = 'members';

    public function __construct()

Not only CodeIgniter guys have a shiny BaseModel to play with. :+1:

Now, also Nova Framework sports one... :smirk:

dcblogdev commented 8 years ago

wow I'm overwhelmed that is truly awesome!!! Thank you, I can't wait to look through everything in detail in late January.

Oh and Yes I do agree lets have the starterkit.

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname BTW, if you are in a trip, still use we will continue our tasks, after 4th January.

How about to give us (to me, of course) write access on the 3.0-beta branch ?

That's why, we can accept our push-requests into your tree. Maybe also thing, to have write access on beta branch, can be useful for having Tom too... :smirk:

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname Talking about StarterKit, we see it just a series of Modules shipped by default by Nova Framework, which, eventually, the end-user can simply cancel them and all is gone, if he want a bare tree...

tomvlk commented 8 years ago

Would be useful. I have limited time upcoming few days. But be able to do something later on. At least staying into making pull requests is the best way to discuss and see changes as a summary.

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname and @tomvlk After all, our friend Jim already arrived to conclusion that your Framework "now looks like it's been spun around in a blender"... :smirk:

We promise to not ""destroy it" further! :smile:

dcblogdev commented 8 years ago

I've added you and @tomvlk with write access now, I'll be checking my emails while away but I'll be 6 hours in front of my normal timezone so I would guess when most things is being done I'll won't be available to see.

Both of you have done an amazing job and trust your judgements for anything really radical please contact me first.

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname Okay, Dave!

And thanks for our kind words! But, we promised to improve the SMVC, right? :smirk:

And, I wish you to have a nice trip!

dcblogdev commented 8 years ago

thank you :smirk:

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname Tomorrow will be my deadline to conclude the Final Phase, and to give us and yours a functional Framework, in the new style. Then my colleagues will start to build thing on top of now Nova Framework, and you will enter in beta2 or RC, or what you want to be called.

Still, I believe that I was successful on my designed tasks. :smirk:

dcblogdev commented 8 years ago

OK great I'll be traveling tomorrow so won't be around much. When ready I suggest setting a new release I think RC is more suitable.

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname Okay, Dave!

LuckyCyborg commented 8 years ago

@daveismyname Talking about (maybe) some "major changes" in close Future, eventually you'll see the BaseModel will be able also to Validate alone its input Data, because there are some talks about this thing, right now... :smirk:

dcblogdev commented 8 years ago

OK that sounds good!

vahidalvandi commented 8 years ago

very thanks