Closed LuckyCyborg closed 8 years ago
save,insert and finds by the orm is required, and is currently the aim I think. Using annotations for the table and column names, types etc.
How about Relations ?
I.e. An User hasMany Posts, but hasOne Profile.
Maybe, Dunno.
Study that Spot, from the given link, is small, works on top of Doctrine DBAL and have lots of shiny things, including Relations and Events, similar with our BaseModel.
But I guess we can't integrate it directly in Nova Framework...
Well, it uses return arrays, not really entity in my opinion. It's just a define of structure and not a real object class.
@tomvlk Study better the thing. It use Entities as in Entities. :smirk:
The method of defining isnt nice. You just return an array that defines the columns, it's better to just make fields in a class. Like I'm making.
@tomvlk It is his own vision, works even that way... :smirk:
In other hand, I do not said to import literally that ORM in our tree.
I said to reuse its concepts and its code, to develop our ORM.
I think annotations (what I'm working on) are better for this. But I don't have that much time today, will have more tomorrow.
@tomvlk Okay, let's see...
@LuckyCyborg Could you please look into this commit history for some implementations.
Currently I only have the Car::get($id) method up and working. But you can see the way to define the entity table and columns.
@LuckyCyborg Btw, I'm in love with the QueryBuilder. It's pretty cool, and we should use it in the ORM Entity stuff to support all drivers.
@tomvlk Then, I think that you understand that choosing to migrate to Doctrine DBAL was a well thought strategic move... :smirk:
@tomvlk Looking at your ORM, looks good for a starting point. Congratulation! :+1:
But to remember that ORM stands for Object-Relational Mapper and the Relations between objects, also the lazy loading of related objects, are essentials characteristics for an ORM.
@tomvlk For naming consistency you can rename:
public static function find()
return self::getLink()->createQueryBuilder();
public static function getQueryBuilder()
return self::getLink()->createQueryBuilder();
Eventually, if you want to expose this method to end-user, name it query, like following... :smirk:
public static function query()
return self::getLink()->createQueryBuilder();
@tomvlk BTW, Big attention at QueryBuilder!
Never pass directly the Data got from user input to QueryBuilder (string) fields, because nothing is (and can't be) escaped by, automatically. You should always use parameter bindings or to build expressions, like you already made.
@tomvlk Another thing,
Please learn to use:
use PDO;
And stop using ROOT \, as in \PDO::FETCH_CLASS, for example. It is more simple. :smirk:
@LuckyCyborg Look once again, I've made the save() method, that inserts or update the entity in the database. (Warning, the mysql db will not be cleared when executing tests yet).
@LuckyCyborg Stuff that isn't done yet is simple finding methods. (only get with the primary key(s) is done).
@LuckyCyborg And indeed, I read about the QueryBuilder, it's very dangerous, nothing is auto escaped by default. You have to do it indeed. Like I did already in the Car::get()
@tomvlk In other hand, I wonder why you use internally the QueryBuilder; sure, for fun is OK, but I suggest you to pass on 'orthodox' methods, being slightly faster.
And, BTW, I prepared into \Nova\DBAL\Connection some methods specially for you, to simplify your work into ORM. Go a look.
@LuckyCyborg I'm using it for the different dialects of SQL for selecting and inserting/updating. This will have maximum support for all drivers.
Worry not! Under Doctrine DBAL you should not care about SQL Dialects... :smirk:
Or you write right commands and they are accepted, or the DBAL will nuke the fridge.
Just remember to not ask for shiny MySQL-isme... :smirk:
@LuckyCyborg Theres an error in public function fetchClass($statement, array $params = array(), array $paramTypes = array(), $className = null)
Look at line 112, It's refering to the undefined $sql. (DBAL\Connection)
You mean to use the SELECT on the get($id);
method? (And then fetchClass you prepared :tada: ?)
@tomvlk A minute to take a look!
@LuckyCyborg I can fix it but it won't be included for now.
@tomvlk In few seconds you have a fix into repo.
@tomvlk Done, please update your fork! :smile:
@LuckyCyborg Done
@LuckyCyborg :laughing: Nova is fast, you see :laughing: :rocket:
@tomvlk He he! Let's say that this is working in team. When every one know its part of code. :smirk:
@tomvlk What is autoIncredimental ? In what Language?
@LuckyCyborg Thats for auto incredimental columns, Will be filled with the lastInsertId() value when inserting.
Btw, something is wrong with your fetchClass, I get exception No valid Entity Name is given: , line 62 of connection.php. I think your not giving the class to the connection.
@LuckyCyborg A I see , parameter order is not good in the return $this->select(...).
Yep, sorry! Fixed now, PR incoming.
@tomvlk Please update your fork!
@LuckyCyborg Already done :rocket:
@LuckyCyborg Next error :laughing:
PDOStatement::fetch() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given
The fetch isn't having a second parameter, instead, use this before the fetch() on the statement:
$statement->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $className);
@tomvlk Update your fork, please!
@tomvlk But something is strange...
have a single parameter
Later: Wrong, It's about Connection, not Statement. Sorry!
@LuckyCyborg For PDO maybe, but for DBAL's (doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/ResultStatement.php) it has a few optional args.
@LuckyCyborg Look at my last commit btw.
@tomvlk Looks good.
And BTW, in the second array you can specify the binding types for parameters, that's improve the security and you can obtain them from Entity
In other hand, there is a last minute change on \Nova\DBAL\Connection
@tomvlk Same thing for your insert and update. You can prepare the parameter types from Entity Annotations.
And is more safe.
@LuckyCyborg Indeed, Will implement that once DBAL is stable (or is it already?).
@LuckyCyborg And the delete is incomming!
@tomvlk I supose that is in RC, at minimum.
Was just about to add some convenience method on Connection.
And the last (untested) method was fetchClass, thing happened now. You have all the shiny things from \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection there. :smirk:
@LuckyCyborg This is going to look sexy! :laughing:
@tomvlk To remember to prepare the paramTypes for second array!
You should be able to get them from Annotations.
This is going to look sexy! :laughing:
Yep, that's a sexy DataMapper. To arrive to call it ORM, will be need also for Relations...
Sure, there are plenty of powerful ORMs... Some are "indoctrinated", other are "illuminated". :smirk:
But sometimes, while still you want to use an ORM, from habits or even from necessity, those "indoctrinated" or "illuminated" ORMs are overwhelming for your current project.
Then, I and @tomvlk , we decided to write a small one for Nova Framework.
But, in your opinion, what you expect from a small ORM?
I for one, I see an small ORM essentially as a DataMapper who manage Entities.
I even find one which looks right on as the Design I have in mind, it is called Spot:
Sure, make no sense to integrate directly it, using yet another Events Manager (and we already have three), and wanting its own dedicated Connection; still, it use for Database Connection, guess what? Doctrine DBAL.
In other hand, it have nice Events, very similar with our BaseModel, known about Relations and other nice things. I'm about opinion that if we reuse its code to write our ORM, will rise something good.
Your opinion? You will like something like/similar with Spot included into Nova Framework?