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Adding to Gemmer multiwallet platform #389

Closed WikiMin3R closed 3 years ago

WikiMin3R commented 3 years ago

Adding electrumx code specific to Gemmer multiwallet platform [NVC - Novacoin]

WikiMin3R commented 3 years ago

Here's some useful info:

class Novacoin(Coin): NAME = "novacoin" SHORTNAME = "NVC" NET = "mainnet" P2PKH_VERBYTE = bytes.fromhex("8") [addressHeader = 8;] P2SH_VERBYTES = [bytes.fromhex("14")] [p2shHeader = 20;] WIF_BYTE = bytes.fromhex("88") ["136"]

public class NovacoinMain extends PeerFamily { private NovacoinMain() { id = "novacoin.main";

    addressHeader = 8;
    p2shHeader = 20;
    acceptableAddressCodes = new int[] { addressHeader, p2shHeader };
    spendableCoinbaseDepth = 520;
    dumpedPrivateKeyHeader = 136;

    name = "Novacoin";
    symbol = "NVC";
    uriScheme = "novacoin";
    bip44Index = 50;
    unitExponent = 6;
    feeValue = value(1000); // 0.001 NVC
    minNonDust = value(1);
    softDustLimit = value(10000); // 0.01 NVC
    softDustPolicy = SoftDustPolicy.BASE_FEE_FOR_EACH_SOFT_DUST_TXO;

private static NovacoinMain instance = new NovacoinMain();
public static synchronized NovacoinMain get() {
    return instance;


NOVACOIN 8 0x08 4 136 0x88 5 K, -

Happy coding!

WikiMin3R commented 3 years ago

The above info should make it a bit easier for folks to find electrumx parameters for Novacoin!