novaroma-project / novaroma

novaroma .net project
GNU General Public License v2.0
51 stars 13 forks source link

Compile for Linux #1

Closed blindpet closed 9 years ago

blindpet commented 9 years ago

What language is this written in? Can I compile it for Linux?

umutozel commented 9 years ago

We only support Windows systems, for now. We are really excited about new developments in .Net world, we will definitely try to make Novaroma cross-platform. Thanks for the feedback.

blindpet commented 9 years ago

Mono can be used on linux to run .net applications. If you can tell me any other dependencies like sqlite and provide a compiled tarball i can running on linux

umutozel commented 9 years ago

We played with Mono when it first came out, but we are not really familiar with linux (we have not installed any dist. for years) so we do not know if porting is possible.

Here are Nuget packages we are using; AngleSharp, Autofac, AvalonEdit, db4o, Json.NET, Mahapps.Metro, Quartz.NET, RestSharp, SharpShell, SharpZipLib, TMDb Library, UTorrentClient Api, xmlrpcnet.

And some external references (some of them have Nuget packages but because we slightly modified their codes, we use DLLs). Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotification, OSDBnet, Transmission.API.RPC.

It seems your mail is not public, if you could send us an email ( we can provide you everything you need.

Thank you.

blindpet commented 9 years ago

I will email you now, forgot about this

Opus667 commented 6 years ago

Dude, just make a linux version... This is the best windows tv show "manager/downloader" and now I am migrating to linux and i really miss this app

Opus667 commented 6 years ago

Sorry for my bad education... Please make a linux version.