novatel / novatel_oem7_driver

ROS Driver for NovAtel OEM7 GNSS/SPAN Receivers
MIT License
105 stars 56 forks source link

Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response #6

Closed yucedagonurcan closed 4 years ago

yucedagonurcan commented 4 years ago


We are experiencing timeout errors while using the oem7 ros driver.

Here is our oem7_net.launch file: code

Launching the launch file gives timeout errors:

$ roslaunch launch/oem7_net.launch


 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/BDSEPHEMERIS: 1696
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/BESTPOS: 42
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/BESTUTM: 726
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/BESTVEL: 99
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/CORRIMUS: 2264
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/GALFNAVEPHEMERIS: 1310
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/GALINAVEPHEMERIS: 1309
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/GLOEPHEMERIS: 723
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/HEADING2: 1335
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/IMURATECORRIMUS: 1362
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/INSCONFIG: 1945
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/INSPVAS: 508
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/INSPVAX: 1465
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/INSSTDEV: 2051
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/INSUPDATESTATUS: 1825
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/PSRDOP2: 1163
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/RANGE: 43
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/RAWEPHEM: 41
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/RAWIMUSX: 1462
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/RXSTATUS: 93
 * /novatel/oem7/oem7_msgs/TIME: 101
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/HEADING2/frame_id: gps
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/HEADING2/topic: /novatel/oem7/hea...
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/NavSatFix/frame_id: gps
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/NavSatFix/topic: /gps/fix
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/oem7_if: Oem7ReceiverTcp
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/oem7_ip_addr:
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/oem7_msg_decoder: Oem7MessageDecoder
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/oem7_msg_handlers: ['BESTPOSHandler'...
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/oem7_port: 3001
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/oem7_publish_unknown_oem7raw: True
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/oem7_raw_msgs: ['BESTPOS', 'BEST...
 * /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/receiver_init_commands: ['UNLOGALL THISPO...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/0/name: Unknown
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/0/rate: 0
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/1/name: Honeywell HG1700 AG1
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/1/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/11/name: Honeywell HG1700 ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/11/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/12/name: Honeywell HG1700 ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/12/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/13/name: iMAR ilMU-FSAS
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/13/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/16/name: KVH CPT IMU
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/16/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/19/name: Northrop Grumman ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/19/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/20/name: Honeywell HG1930 ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/20/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/26/name: Northrop Grumman ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/26/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/27/name: Honeywell HG1900 ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/27/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/28/name: Honeywell HG1930 ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/28/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/31/name: Analog Devices AD...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/31/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/32/name: Sensonor STIM300
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/32/rate: 125
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/33/name: KVH1750 IMU
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/33/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/4/name: Honeywell HG1700 ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/4/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/41/name: Epson G320N
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/41/rate: 125
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/45/name: KVH 1725 IMU?
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/45/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/5/name: Honeywell HG1700 ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/5/rate: 100
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/52/name: Litef microIMU
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/52/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/56/name: Sensonor STIM300,...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/56/rate: 125
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/58/name: Honeywell HG4930 ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/58/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/61/name: Epson G370N
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/61/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/62/name: Epson G320N - 200Hz
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/62/rate: 200
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/8/name: Northrop Grumman ...
 * /novatel/oem7/supported_imus/8/rate: 200
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.6

    driver (nodelet/nodelet)
    main (nodelet/nodelet)
    config (nodelet/nodelet)


process[novatel/oem7/driver-1]: started with pid [15025]
process[novatel/oem7/receivers/main-2]: started with pid [15026]
process[novatel/oem7/receivers/main/config-3]: started with pid [15027]
[ INFO] [1595945921.333671005]: Loading nodelet /novatel/oem7/receivers/main of type novatel_oem7_driver/Oem7MessageNodelet to manager /novatel/oem7/driver with the following remappings:
[ INFO] [1595945921.335301309]: waitForService: Service [/novatel/oem7/driver/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1595945921.344410395]: Loading nodelet /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/config of type novatel_oem7_driver/Oem7ConfigNodelet to manager /novatel/oem7/driver with the following remappings:
[ INFO] [1595945921.345800321]: waitForService: Service [/novatel/oem7/driver/load_nodelet] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1595945921.370035423]: Initializing nodelet with 12 worker threads.
[ INFO] [1595945921.376502731]: waitForService: Service [/novatel/oem7/driver/load_nodelet] is now available.
[ INFO] [1595945921.380568149]: /novatel/oem7/receivers/main: Oem7MessageNodelet v.1.1.0; Jul 24 2020 00:09:38
[ INFO] [1595945921.382641502]: Oem7MessageDecoderLib version: 0.1.11
[ WARN] [1595945921.383847412]: Message 'BESTPOS' will not be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.384077317]: Message 'BESTVEL' will not be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.384309891]: Message 'BESTUTM' will not be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.384601487]: Message 'INSPVA' will not be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.384832576]: Message 'GPSFix' will not be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.385545508]: topic [/gps/fix]: frame_id: 'gps'; q size: 100
[ WARN] [1595945921.386072820]: Message 'IMU' will not be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.386300490]: Message 'CORRIMU' will not be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.386594812]: Message 'INSSTDEV' will not be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.386997509]: waitForService: Service [/novatel/oem7/driver/load_nodelet] is now available.
[ WARN] [1595945921.387015084]: Message 'INSPVAX' will not be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.387489599]: Message 'INSCONFIG' will not be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.387954411]: topic [/novatel/oem7/heading2]: frame_id: 'gps'; q size: 100
[ WARN] [1595945921.388830340]: Message 'RXSTATUS' will not be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.389018114]: Message 'TIME' will not be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389216273]: Oem7 Raw message 'BESTPOS' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389229084]: Oem7 Raw message 'BESTVEL' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389236374]: Oem7 Raw message 'INSPVAX' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389244801]: Oem7 Raw message 'INSUPDATESTATUS' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389251762]: Oem7 Raw message 'RAWIMUSX' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389288532]: Oem7 Raw message 'RAWEPHEM' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389297500]: Oem7 Raw message 'GLOEPHEMERIS' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389319820]: Oem7 Raw message 'BDSEPHEMERIS' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389328043]: Oem7 Raw message 'GALFNAVEPHEMERIS' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389363947]: Oem7 Raw message 'GALINAVEPHEMERIS' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389372526]: Oem7 Raw message 'RANGE' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389380686]: Oem7 Raw message 'HEADING2' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389388841]: Oem7 Raw message 'TIME' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389409751]: Oem7 Raw message 'RXSTATUS' will be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.389437853]: Oem7 Raw message 'INSCONFIG' will be published.
[ WARN] [1595945921.389665669]: Message 'Oem7RawMsg' will not be published.
[ INFO] [1595945921.390939091]: Oem7Net TCP['' : 3001]
[ INFO] [1595945921.391381244]: Oem7Net socket open: '1; OS error= 0
[ INFO] [1595945921.392169363]: /novatel/oem7/receivers/main/config: Oem7ConfigNodelet v.1.1.0; Jul 24 2020 00:09:38
[ERROR] [1595945924.394337997]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945927.394579905]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945930.394919293]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945933.395235916]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945936.395546383]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945939.395845120]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945942.396161929]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945945.396485216]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945948.396744835]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945951.396921372]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945951.397042601]: AACmd 'UNLOGALL THISPORT' : ''
[ERROR] [1595945954.400274803]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945957.400585263]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945960.400869755]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945963.401001117]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945966.401211953]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945969.401496267]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945972.401814007]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945975.402074176]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945978.402337395]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945981.402661260]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945981.402756455]: AACmd 'LOG INSCONFIGB ONCE' : ''
[ERROR] [1595945984.405949483]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945987.406161306]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945990.406385238]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945993.406707071]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945996.407168626]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595945999.407482138]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946002.407813958]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946005.408100706]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946008.408416127]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946011.408777635]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946011.408913155]: AACmd 'LOG INSCONFIGB ONTIME 300' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946014.412448657]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946017.412758552]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946020.413042054]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946023.413320575]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946026.413562051]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946029.413858374]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946032.414169060]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946035.414445616]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946038.414753781]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946041.415027080]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946041.415138261]: AACmd 'LOG RXSTATUSB ONCHANGED' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946044.420175427]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946047.420495477]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946050.420793064]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946053.421070621]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946056.421359412]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946059.421622504]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946062.421853019]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946065.422182183]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946068.422506450]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946071.422856902]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946071.423068896]: AACmd 'LOG BESTPOSB ONTIME 0.1' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946074.426564854]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946077.426743479]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946080.427054695]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946083.427371116]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946086.427699302]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946089.428038858]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946092.428374801]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946095.428848006]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946098.429140421]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946101.429375851]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946101.429486735]: AACmd 'LOG BESTVELB ONTIME 0.1' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946104.432650505]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946107.432960725]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946110.433296629]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946113.433530369]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946116.433854853]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946119.434195476]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946122.434576549]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946125.434759571]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946128.435108948]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946131.435464195]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946131.435584739]: AACmd 'LOG BESTUTMB ONTIME 1' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946134.438965705]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946137.439300533]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946140.439638164]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946143.440041088]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946146.440404891]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946149.440803051]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946152.441122937]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946155.441459429]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946158.441791765]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946161.442005522]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946161.442034856]: AACmd 'LOG HEADING2B ONNEW' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946164.443147257]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946167.443470497]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946170.443803586]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946173.444140722]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946176.444484494]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946179.444837179]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946182.445094547]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946185.445324648]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946188.445572222]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946191.445898130]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946191.446003381]: AACmd 'LOG PSRDOP2B ONCHANGED' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946194.449342863]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946197.449630200]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946200.449896364]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946203.450176706]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946206.450316315]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946209.450446704]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946212.450594386]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946215.450828675]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946218.451148440]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946221.451384966]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946221.451426782]: AACmd 'LOG INSPVASB ONTIME 0.02' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946224.452953504]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946227.453251564]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946230.453580386]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946233.453879362]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946236.454070209]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946239.454352082]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946242.454773384]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946245.455040570]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946248.455372778]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946251.455875663]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946251.455914869]: AACmd 'LOG INSPVAXB ONTIME 1' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946254.457143391]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946257.457406654]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946260.457687138]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946263.458042081]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946266.458394400]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946269.458732752]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946272.459068200]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946275.459494585]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946278.459802391]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946281.460131121]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946281.460239294]: AACmd 'LOG CORRIMUSB ONTIME 0.01' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946284.463767364]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946287.464142294]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946290.464418294]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946293.464680689]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946296.464991514]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946299.465416336]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946302.465782714]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946305.466053397]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946308.466232262]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946311.466529427]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946311.466638321]: AACmd 'LOG INSSTDEVB ONTIME 1' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946314.470025061]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946317.470267280]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946320.470632565]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946323.470946729]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946326.471253250]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946329.471486448]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946332.471953161]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946335.472220330]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946338.472639819]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946341.473020135]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946341.473166148]: AACmd 'LOG TIMEB ONTIME 1' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946344.476796360]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946347.477014789]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946350.477302967]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946353.477613428]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946356.477903002]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946359.478258463]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946362.478574019]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946365.478818646]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946368.479101395]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946371.479432921]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946371.479543732]: AACmd 'LOG RAWIMUSXB ONNEW' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946374.482922328]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946377.483242726]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946380.483592522]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946383.483926303]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946386.484248422]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946389.484560216]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946392.484921704]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946395.485260826]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946398.485614215]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946401.485916866]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946401.486056777]: AACmd 'LOG INSUPDATESTATUSB ONNEW' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946404.489161253]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946407.489479761]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946410.489881098]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946413.490202973]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946416.490467308]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946419.490799234]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946422.491127299]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946425.491442513]: Attempt 7: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946428.491743454]: Attempt 8: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946431.492079993]: Attempt 9: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946431.492189096]: AACmd 'LOG RAWEPHEMB ONNEW' : ''
[ERROR] [1595946434.497087678]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946437.497389738]: Attempt 1: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946440.497696454]: Attempt 2: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946443.497973814]: Attempt 3: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946446.498318962]: Attempt 4: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946449.498666420]: Attempt 5: timed out waiting for response.
[ERROR] [1595946452.498965438]: Attempt 6: timed out waiting for response.

Here is our logging window: image

Here is our position window: image

What do you think is the reason for getting such an error?

Have a great day.

novatel-applications-engineering commented 4 years ago

@yucedagonurcan, thank you for reaching out.

Based on what I see here, I think that the driver cannot connect to your receiver. It maybe that your port 3001 is already in use by something else.

You could try updating your "oem7_port" in your launch file to be another value between 3001 and 3007. These are TCP ports (unless reconfigured on your receiver). These ports can only service one connection at a time. This approach could let whatever else is connected to your receiver continue, but presumably allow the ROS driver to use an unused port.

If that doesn't work, please next confirm that you can at least ping your receiver, for that you could use the command: ping

yucedagonurcan commented 4 years ago


Changing port to 3002 from 3001 resolved the issue.

Thank you for your help.

jayjayhee commented 4 years ago

UPDATE: This comment is captured by Issue #10


I'm experiencing a similar issue when using usb operation method. There were 3 error messages reported as follows:

[ERROR] [1598343835.180147191]: Attempt 0: timed out waiting for response. [ERROR] [1598343835.196250946]: AACmd 'LOG INSCONFIGB ONTIME 300' : 'ERROR:Trigger ONTIME not valid for this log' [ERROR] [1598343835.260403646]: AACmd 'LOG CORRIMUSB ONTIME 0.01' : 'ERROR:Invalid Message. Field = 2'

Additionally, although the /gps/imu and /corrimu/ topics are published, there isn't any imu data under these topics.