novelrt / NovelRT

A cross-platform 2D game engine accompanied by a strong toolset for visual novels.
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Vulkan causes an exception to be thrown when receiving VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR with X11. #565

Open RubyNova opened 1 year ago

RubyNova commented 1 year ago

Note: for support questions, please use the #engine-user-help channel in our Discord or create a discussion. This repository's issues are reserved for feature requests and bug reports.

Describe the issue: As per the title, Vulkan is causing a crash with the X11 windowing system when VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR is returned from vkAcquireNextImageKHR inside of NovelRT's Vulkan render pipeline.

Please provide the steps to reproduce if possible:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Switch to main branch
  3. build any of the known working samples and run it
  4. resize the window
  5. observe the issue

Expected behaviour: The window should handle VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR more gracefully than this.

Please tell us about your environment:

Additional context: Windows works fine because of course it does so debugging this is major pain. From what I've gathered though, this is something that might be fixed with my post-MVP rewrite of the graphics layer.