noviriasyifaunnafsi / transition-from-rice-to-vegetables

A master thesis project about the transition from rice to vegetables in Indonesia
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Not really sure what the is is about in this line #11

Open CWWhitney opened 6 months ago

CWWhitney commented 6 months ago

if (implementation_vegetables){ cost_implementation_vegetables <- vegetables_cost + vegetables_equipment_costs + vegetables_irrigation_costs } else{ cost_implementation_vegetables <- 0 }

Is a chance_event missing?

noviriasyifaunnafsi commented 6 months ago

Sorry.. I was trying to calculate the implementation cost needed if vegetable is chosen, so I guess the 'chance_event' refers to 'implementation_vegetables' (does it make sense?) Honestly, I'm also not sure with this part since I just followed the code from older project.. I guess I might have made a mistake (?)