novnc / noVNC

VNC client web application
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Keyboard button has disappeared on mobile in the latest release #1757

Open Sidefix opened 1 year ago

Sidefix commented 1 year ago

Since the latest release, the keyboard mobile button seems to have disappeared.

It is impossible to use novnc to remote into other machines without this.

If I am missing something please let me know. Thanks in advance

CendioOssman commented 1 year ago

Please fill out the issue template so we get a better picture of your setup.

Sidefix commented 1 year ago

Apologies. I opened the issue from mobile, and there was no template option.

Describe the bug When opening a novnc session on Android 12 in the Edge browser, the keyboard popup button on the sidebar does not appear in the latest 1.4 release. This did not occur in 1.3 or prior releases.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set up novnc on a machine
  2. Navigate to the novnc session in the Edge browser on Android 12
  3. Do initial auth in novnc
  4. When the remote session is initiated and authenticated, open the sidebar
  5. Observe that the keyboard popup is missing

Expected behavior The keyboard popup button should be displayed in the sidebar

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Client (please complete the following information):

Server (please complete the following information):

Sidefix commented 1 year ago

Attaching screenshot thumbnail_Screenshot_20230213-105654

CendioOssman commented 1 year ago

Apologies. I opened the issue from mobile, and there was no template option.

That's odd. I just tried it here using Firefox on Android, and I got the template buttons.

Exactly how did you file this issue? We want to make sure everyone uses the templates, as they include vital details.

Browser: Edge Chromium

I tried it here on a Samsung tablet with that same version of Edge, and the button shows up for me. So I wonder if there is something wonky with your device.

What device are you using?

Also, what results do you get on this site with Edge:

Sidefix commented 1 year ago

Regarding the issue submission, I just clicked the New Issue button this morning from the browser, in the Issues page of novnc. I just tried again now and indeed the templates appear. I do not recall skipping a step and I certainly did not delete the issue template from the input box. Strange, but I'll chalk it up to maybe making a mistake on my end.

Regarding my device, it is a Surface Duo (og).

Here is a screenshot of my results from the above link:


CendioOssman commented 1 year ago

That's unexpected. Your device is pretty much reporting it doesn't have touch.

Do you get the same results in other browsers on this device?

@samhed, I guess we need to revisit this.

Sidefix commented 1 year ago

Firefox screenshot:


samhed commented 1 year ago

Well. That sucks.. Yeah, I guess we will have to take another look here.

Hopefully its just something Microsoft screwed up with this particular device.

Schlumie commented 6 months ago

I tried noVNC on Oculus Quest 3 build in Browser. Its really nice and easy to work on a remote machines. But the keyboard symbol is missing... so i commented out the :root.noVNC_connected #noVNC_mobile_buttons css. Show/Hide keyboard is functional now but is not displayed. Maybe a force flag in settings to enable keyboard icon? Another Problem is that everythings working, also german umlauts, but enter and delete keys doing nothing/are ignored... Any hints?

CendioOssman commented 6 months ago

The Oculus Quest isn't really a mobile device, so I think that's best treated as a separate issue. Please file a new one, and take care to fill out the issue template completely.