novoalab / EpiNano

Detection of RNA modifications from Oxford Nanopore direct RNA sequencing reads (Liu*, Begik* et al., Nature Comm 2019)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Running Epinano models on m6A modifcations #88

Closed chrishendra93 closed 3 years ago

chrishendra93 commented 3 years ago

Hi Huanle,

I am just wondering about EpiNano 1.2.

I have run and the output csv has the following columns:


Meanwhile in your documentation, you mentioned running

python $EPINANO_HOME/ --train ko_wt_combined.per_site_raw_feature.rrach.5mer.csv --predict ko_wt_combined.per_site_raw_feature.rrach.5mer.csv --accuracy_estimation --out_prefix train_and_test --columns 8,13,23 --modification_status_column 26

As you can see, there are not enough columns in the output files. Did I preprocess this wrongly or do you have any other models that are intended to be run with Epinano 1.2?

Thank you



Huanle commented 3 years ago

Hi Chris,

Sorry for the late reply. You will need to use to process your csv file and generate a new file organized in kmer format. Let me know in case if you need any further help. Huanle

chrishendra93 commented 3 years ago

Hi @Huanle , the program has been running for a week and it has not stopped yet. I realize that you can probably shorten the running time and reduce the .tmp file by only writing to .tmp file any kmer with AC motifs in the middle since only 5-mer with this two in the middle can possibly contain the m6A modifications? I can submit a pull request if you agree with this

Huanle commented 3 years ago

Hi @chrishendra93 , Thanks for the suggestion. Another way to speed it up is to separate your input files by reference contigs and/or intersection with known/prefered motifs in the reference sequences. Cheers - Huanle

kwonej0617 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Huanle. I have the same issue @chrishendra93 mentioned. As you mentioned, I am trying to split the bam/sam input file as you recommend. Could you please explain how you splited your data or which software/script you use? My minimap result looks like the following.

@SQ     SN:ENST00000497096      LN:304
@SQ     SN:ENST00000516993      LN:102
@SQ     SN:ENST00000461982      LN:298
@SQ     SN:ENST00000362695      LN:102
@SQ     SN:ENST00000384312      LN:102
@SQ     SN:ENST00000410579      LN:103
@SQ     SN:ENST00000583026      LN:299
@SQ     SN:ENST00000516935      LN:124
@SQ     SN:ENST00000580835      LN:303
@PG     ID:minimap2     PN:minimap2     VN:2.17-r941    CL:minimap2 -ax map-ont --MD -t 16 /home/euijin.kwon-umw/Euijin/m6a_tool_comparision/reference/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.ncrna_modified.fa /pi/chan.zhou-umw/SeqData/3rd_seq/xPore/HEK293T_WT-rep1/fastq_pass/HEK293T_WT-rep1.fastq.gz
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Thank you so much.