novoda / bintray-release

A helper for releasing from gradle up to bintray
1.86k stars 208 forks source link

gradle 1.5 support #77

Closed jjhesk closed 8 years ago

jjhesk commented 8 years ago

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath 'com.novoda:bintray-release:0.3.5'
        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files

allprojects {
    repositories {

ext {
    //Library configurations
    ARTIFACT_ID = 'urvlib'
    VERSION_NAME = '0.4.0'
    VERSION_CODE = 20 //your version

    app_test_versionCode = 20
    app_test_versionName = '1.0.9'
    //Support and Build tools version
    supportLibrary = '22.2.1'
    ftKit = '0.4.1'
    //Support Libraries dependencies
    supportDependencies = [
            percent   : "${supportLibrary}",
            annotation: "${supportLibrary}",
            support   : "${supportLibrary}",
            appCompat : "${supportLibrary}",
            rv        : "${supportLibrary}",
            cardView  : "${supportLibrary}",
            kitCore   : "com.52inc:52Kit-core:${ftKit}"

    BINTRAY_USER = 'jjhesk'
    DESCRIPTION = 'the ultimate recycler view all in to package'

    SITE_URL = ''
    GIT_URL = ''
    GROUP_NAME = 'com.hkm.ultimateurv'
    COMPILE_SDK = 23
    BUILD_TOOLS = '23.0.1'

    MODULE_NAME = 'urvlib'


    DEVELOPER_ID = 'jjhesk'
    DEVELOPER_NAME = 'hesk'

    IS_UPLOADING = project.getGradle().startParameter.taskNames.any { it.contains('bintrayUpload') }

and i got

apply plugin: 'bintray-release'

subprojects {
    group = GROUP_NAME
    version = VERSION_NAME

    if (IS_UPLOADING && in [MODULE_NAME]) {
        apply plugin: 'maven'

        gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
            taskGraph.getAllTasks().find {
                it.path == ":$"
            }.doLast {
                println 'Overriding pom-file to make sure we can sync to maven central!'
                pom {
                    //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
                    project {
                        name "$"
                        artifactId ARTIFACT_ID
                        packaging == 'compiler' ? 'jar' : 'aar'
                        description DESCRIPTION
                        url SITE_URL
                        version VERSION_NAME

                        scm {
                            url GIT_URL
                            connection GIT_URL
                            developerConnection GIT_URL

                        licenses {
                            license {
                                name LICENSE

                        developers {
                            developer {
                                id DEVELOPER_ID
                                name DEVELOPER_NAME
                                email DEVELOPER_EMAIL

i ended up with this warning.

Error:(10, 0) Gradle DSL method not found: 'versionCode()' Possible causes:

xrigau commented 8 years ago

As gradle suggests, it seems like this issue is from another library since we don't use that method from the plugin, sorry @jjhesk