novoda / rxpresso

Easy Espresso UI testing for Android applications using RxJava.
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Upgrade rxJava #13

Closed albo1337 closed 8 years ago

albo1337 commented 8 years ago


I got this error message when trying to add RxPresso to my project:

Warning:Conflict with dependency 'io.reactivex:rxjava'. Resolved versions for app (1.1.9) and test app (1.0.14) differ. See for details.

I'm currently using rxjava 1.1.9. How can I add RxPresso in my project?

Thx a lot

albo1337 commented 8 years ago

Opened a question in stackoverflow...

rock3r commented 8 years ago

Seems like you had your answer on Stack Overflow, @albo1337. I'll be closing this as solved.

For anyone else that has this issue, you just need to exclude the transitive dependency on RxJava:

androidTestCompile ('com.novoda:rxpresso:0.2.0') {
    exclude group: 'io.reactivex'

Same goes if you want to replace the version of the support library annotations it ships with:

androidTestCompile ('com.novoda:rxpresso:0.2.0') {
    exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'