novoic / surfboard

Novoic's audio feature extraction library
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Replace positional argument with keyword arg in spectrograms #27

Open mineraldragon opened 2 years ago

mineraldragon commented 2 years ago

Librosa is doing away with positional arguments.

Perhaps because of this, magnitude_spectrum and bark_spectrogram produced empty outputs. Log_melspec produced a FutureWarning about the issue.

Fix: Change Librosa spectrogram calls to say 'y=' for the first argument (in files and

Note: I have only worked on magnitude_spectrum, bark_spectrogram and log_melspec. I don't know what else might need to change.

Code to reproduce the issues:

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/rogierlandman/Documents/GitHub/surfboard/')
from surfboard.sound import Waveform
from surfboard.feature_extraction import extract_features
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import librosa
import librosa.display

sound = Waveform(path='./audio_files_jackhammer.wav')
result = extract_features([sound], ['log_melspec'])
log_melspec_array = result['log_melspec'][0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
img = librosa.display.specshow(log_melspec_array,y_axis='log', x_axis='time', ax=ax)
fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax)

result = extract_features([sound], ['magnitude_spectrum'])
magspec_array = result['magnitude_spectrum'][0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
img = librosa.display.specshow(magspec_array,y_axis='log', x_axis='time', ax=ax)
fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax)

result = extract_features([sound], ['bark_spectrogram'])
bark_spectrogram_array = result['bark_spectrogram'][0]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
img = librosa.display.specshow(bark_spectrogram_array,y_axis='log', x_axis='time', ax=ax)
fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax)

FutureWarning from log_melspec:

Extracting features...:   0%|                                                                       | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/Users/rogierlandman/Documents/GitHub/surfboard/surfboard/ FutureWarning: Pass y=[-0.00234985 -0.01623535 -0.02853394 ... -0.04025269 -0.02742004
 -0.04121399] as keyword args. From version 0.10 passing these as positional arguments will result in an error

Error from magnitude_spectrum:

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/85/743z8pld6zs5b_lzjt9dd3qm0000gn/T/ipykernel_84251/ in <module>
      4 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
----> 5 img = librosa.display.specshow(magspec_array,y_axis='log', x_axis='time', ax=ax)
      6 ax.set_title('Power spectrogram')
      7 fig.colorbar(img, ax=ax)

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/surfboard_test/lib/python3.7/site-packages/librosa/util/ in inner_f(*args, **kwargs)
     86             extra_args = len(args) - len(all_args)
     87             if extra_args <= 0:
---> 88                 return f(*args, **kwargs)
     90             # extra_args > 0

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/surfboard_test/lib/python3.7/site-packages/librosa/ in specshow(data, x_coords, y_coords, x_axis, y_axis, sr, hop_length, n_fft, win_length, fmin, fmax, tuning, bins_per_octave, key, Sa, mela, thaat, auto_aspect, htk, unicode, ax, **kwargs)
    851         data = np.abs(data)
--> 853     kwargs.setdefault("cmap", cmap(data))
    854     kwargs.setdefault("rasterized", True)
    855     kwargs.setdefault("edgecolors", "None")

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/surfboard_test/lib/python3.7/site-packages/librosa/util/ in inner_f(*args, **kwargs)
     86             extra_args = len(args) - len(all_args)
     87             if extra_args <= 0:
---> 88                 return f(*args, **kwargs)
     90             # extra_args > 0

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/surfboard_test/lib/python3.7/site-packages/librosa/ in cmap(data, robust, cmap_seq, cmap_bool, cmap_div)
    601         min_p, max_p = 0, 100
--> 603     min_val, max_val = np.percentile(data, [min_p, max_p])
    605     if min_val >= 0 or max_val <= 0:

<__array_function__ internals> in percentile(*args, **kwargs)

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/surfboard_test/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ in percentile(a, q, axis, out, overwrite_input, interpolation, keepdims)
   3866         raise ValueError("Percentiles must be in the range [0, 100]")
   3867     return _quantile_unchecked(
-> 3868         a, q, axis, out, overwrite_input, interpolation, keepdims)

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/surfboard_test/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ in _quantile_unchecked(a, q, axis, out, overwrite_input, interpolation, keepdims)
   3986     r, k = _ureduce(a, func=_quantile_ureduce_func, q=q, axis=axis, out=out,
   3987                     overwrite_input=overwrite_input,
-> 3988                     interpolation=interpolation)
   3989     if keepdims:
   3990         return r.reshape(q.shape + k)

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/surfboard_test/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ in _ureduce(a, func, **kwargs)
   3562         keepdim = (1,) * a.ndim
-> 3564     r = func(a, **kwargs)
   3565     return r, keepdim

~/opt/anaconda3/envs/surfboard_test/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ in _quantile_ureduce_func(***failed resolving arguments***)
   4096                 indices_below.ravel(), indices_above.ravel(), [-1]
   4097             )), axis=0)
-> 4098             n = np.isnan(ap[-1])
   4099         else:
   4100             # cannot contain nan

IndexError: index -1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
CLAassistant commented 2 years ago

CLA assistant check
All committers have signed the CLA.

udeepam commented 2 years ago

Hi, thank you for your interest in surfboard and contribution. Could you please propagate this change throughout the repo for me to then merge your PR. This can be easily done by searching fro librosa. in the repo.