novoid / lazyblorg

Blogging with Org-mode for very lazy people
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Make lazyblorg workflow less tedious #105

Closed nephewtom closed 7 months ago

nephewtom commented 8 months ago

Just checked lazyblorg and read this sentence:

There is a list of similar/alternative Org-mode blogging projects whose workflows seem really tedious to me.

It is funny, because that list contains lazyblorg...

And it is even funnier, because I have that same feeling you pointed. Those workflows seem all really tedious to me... Includin lazyblorg! 😅

Have fun!

novoid commented 7 months ago

Care to explain why the lazyblorg workflow is tedious to you?

nephewtom commented 7 months ago

Well, may be I should clarify a bit my statement...

My daily 24 hours are split in different activities. Besides basic stuff such as sleeping, eating, etc... I spend time in family (2 children), 8 hours job, spiritual life, workout. Plus making a videogame.

Tinkering with Emacs has a very low priority these days. And reading documentation/manuals to start blogging... Well, if it takes me more than 5 minutes, then I quit that reading.

Having reviewed that list, I plan to test o-blog (Unmaintained) and org-static-blog. They seem the simplest and the easiest. And they do not have any other dependency, just Emacs. Not interested in Hugo, Jekyll, [Whatever]. Neither having to rely on other external thing like Python, Ruby, [Whatever].

I know, I know... I currently use grip-mode (which relies on Python) to render org-mode files on a browser. I hate that... And I hate even more the other solutions, even the native ones.

And I hate even more the fact that Gitlab sucks rendering org-more files. If you are interested, check here and here. Tried to chase it a year ago, and got frustrated.

Anyway, back to the post topic. Is lazyborg workflow tedious? I really can not know. My point is that it seems too much time for myself. Not simple enough for my circumstances.

Hope I did not hurt your feelings. And I just found funny that lazyborg is in the same list of alternatives that you consider tedious. Man, you have a circular reference there! You might want to rephrase that sentence... Have fun! 😄

novoid commented 7 months ago

Ad Gitlab and Orgdown support: see

When I understand you correctly, you failed with the initial setup of lazyblorg because it exceeded five minutes of setup time in order to publish your first post.

If this is true, then I fully agree. lazyblorg was designed to optimize "writing and publishing a blog entry" and not optimizing the initial setup effort.

Typically, a person only needs to invest setup effort once and therefore I tend to ignore that effort in the long run. In contrast to that, publishing a new blog entry is something that is done hundreds or thousands of times. And this is where the concept of lazyblorg shines because it scales very well with the number of blog articles written.

I tried to make the setup experience as smooth as possible with respect to my personal knowledge and possibilities. But I acknowledge that you have to invest at least an hour or so to make it run in your environment.

Therefore, I guess you're more lucky with something that provides an easy to use UI to start your initial blog entry when you don't need to optimize the effort for each blog entry itself.

nephewtom commented 7 months ago

Ad Gitlab and Orgdown support: see

If you check the links i provided, you will realize that Gitlab does not have full support for org-mode, just a very basic subset.
And including a working Table of Contents is not in that subset, which sucks for long files.. And forced me to export org-mode files to Markdown, which also had its issues.
Or write documentation in Markdown to be properly rendered in Gitlab.

If this is true, then I fully agree. lazyblorg was designed to optimize "writing and publishing a blog entry" and not optimizing the initial setup effort.

Yep, that would be a more accurate way of expressing it.

Since i wrote this answer, have briefly read the documentation of a couple of org-mode blogging solutions:

They seem pretty easy to grasp.

Typically, a person only needs to invest setup effort once and therefore I tend to ignore that effort in the long run. In contrast to that, publishing a new blog entry is something that is done hundreds or thousands of times. And this is where the concept of lazyblorg shines because it scales very well with the number of blog articles written.

Yes, this is true, so I might rethink it, take the patience pill and have a look again at lazyblorg documentation.

Therefore, I guess you're more lucky with something that provides an easy to use UI to start your initial blog entry when you don't need to optimize the effort for each blog entry itself.

No, please, I don´t want UIs... I blogged for some time in WordPress and hate it. That is one of the things i want to avoid.

novoid commented 7 months ago

If you check the links i provided, you will realize that Gitlab does not have full support for org-mode, just a very basic subset.

If you check the link I provided, you will realize that I have started a project which tries to promote "Orgdown" as the name for the syntax of Org-mode because people constantly mix up Elisp implementation and pure syntax. ;-)

For this, I've developed a way of expressing compatibility for Org-mode syntax (Orgdown) and non-Emacs tools.

The example page I included demos for the ability of the Gitlab render library for Orgdown. Details can be found on where Gitlab reached a OD1 compatibility of 82 out of 86 (95%) which is actually fairly good compared to others when it comes to OD1 (but not OD∞, of course): For many use-cases, this can be considered as a good Orgdown support.

Btw, there is no such thing as a ToC for MD as well as for OD without dynamic support from the rendering tool at hand.

On you will also find a link to the Ruby library which is used to render Orgdown for GitLab as well as GitHub to follow its development.