Closed BiswaViraj closed 11 months ago
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%0A%0A ### Run API in watch mode%0A The easiest way to start the API is to run @novu/api
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. All the e2e tests have the .e2e.ts
suffix and usually are located near the controller files of each module.%0A
Currently, when the user connects a provider from the Integration store, there's no option to
Test the provider connection
before saving/updating it for wrong/bad credentials or other possible issues.Without the
functionality, the provider connection is saved with the possible wrong credentials and the issue is discovered at a much later stage.We want to have a
functionality during the connection stage to let users catch the errors as early as possible.How?
We will need to create a new method i.e,checkIntegration for the
provider.Currently, we have a placeholder
method, you will need to update this method accordingly.Path to the file :
Look into the SES docs and if they provide a dedicated endpoint or method to test the connection, then implement the same inside the checkIntegration method.
If there's no dedicated endpoint/method provided by SES, then re-use the
functionality of the provider to check and ensure proper integration, and return the errors if any.P.S: We have integrated the same for the
provider, you may use it as a reference or follow this pr for more details.From | NV-997