nowcommunity / NOW-Data

Data related to the NOW databse
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UI/Data: Indicator (at taxonomy tab) whether a species is extinct or alive and a possibility to download only alive species table. #141

Open karilint opened 5 days ago

karilint commented 5 days ago

Use the IUCN categories for recent species.

karilint commented 5 days ago

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Need to discuss about this further Add an item Activity Show details Write a comment… Kari Lintulaakso Jun 4, 2019 12:52 PM (edited) The IUCN categories can be found from here

Extinct, EX Extinct in the Wild, EW Critically Endangered, CR Endangered, EN Vulnerable, VU Near Threatened, NT Least Concern, LC Data Deficient, DD Not Evaluated, NE

ASM Mammal Diversity Database ASM Mammal Diversity Database Lists 6,399 extant, 96 recently extinct mammals

MSW3 lists 5416 species with a field "Extinct?"

extant, recently extinct, fossil