nowcommunity / NOW-Data

Data related to the NOW databse
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List private localities without a project #23

Open karilint opened 2 weeks ago

karilint commented 2 weeks ago


Checklist Hide checked itemsDelete 50%

Make the list to Excel

Indre?: Check the list and set localities public in NOW if applicable Add an item Activity Show details Write a comment… Kari Lintulaakso Nov 20, 2023 4:00 PM Made the new query

EditDelete indre.zliobaite Nov 20, 2023 3:56 PM new query by KAri and then take it from there

ReplyDelete indre.zliobaite Nov 20, 2023 10:25 AM Asked Otto about Heppenloch

ReplyDelete Kari Lintulaakso Apr 4, 2023 1:16 PM SELECT l.lid, l.loc_name, FROM now_loc l LEFT JOIN now_plr lp ON lp.lid=l.lid LEFT JOIN now_proj p ON WHERE lp.lid IS NULL AND l.loc_status<>0 ORDER BY, l.loc_name

karilint commented 2 weeks ago

20230404_private_locality_no_project.xlsx 20231120_private_locality_no_project.xlsx