nowcommunity / NOW-Data

Data related to the NOW databse
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Check who from AB do not have NOW log in. #72

Open karilint opened 1 week ago

karilint commented 1 week ago

Activity Show details Write a comment… Kari Lintulaakso Nov 23, 2022 1:10 PM Many of the AB members that do have user login details have never used NOW.

EditDelete Kari Lintulaakso Nov 23, 2022 1:08 PM Checked manually by copying the AB members from the NOW www-page and queried the database with surname and first_name + checked non-matching one-by-one manually.

Is User, Has Initials has a NOW user status Not User, Has Initials has no user status but is in the NOW database as com_people entry Not User, No Initials has no entry in the NOW