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Cannot call "clear" on undefined self._socketReadBuffer.clear() #12

Open jamespriso opened 12 years ago

jamespriso commented 12 years ago

Hi, i'm using Titanium 2.0 and Android 4.1 on windows7. I downloaded the folders and ti-websocket-client and also the file I launched the server it works well and i've created a window for a simple test of connexion.

var win = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;

var io = require('./socketio');
var socket = io.connect('');
var chat = socket.of('/chat');

There is a main.js file where i created the window. My issue is, when i launch the app the server connects the client numerous times.

Alt Text After some minutes an error appears : Location(1231,32):ti-websocket-client/ti-websocket-client.js Message: Cannot call method 'clear' of undefined Source : self._socketReadBuffer.clear() I will be delighted if someone can help. thanks