nowo / vite-vue-app

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Dependency Dashboard #4

Open renovate[bot] opened 3 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 3 months ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

package.json - `@cooj/utils ^0.0.1` - `@prisma/client ^5.13.0` - `crypto-js ^4.2.0` - `element-plus ^2.7.2` - `fs-extra ^11.2.0` - `jsonwebtoken ^9.0.2` - `nuxt-swiper ^1.2.2` - `splitpanes ^3.1.5` - `vue-draggable-plus ^0.4.0` - `ws ^8.17.0` - `@antfu/eslint-config ^2.16.1` - `@element-plus/nuxt ^1.0.9` - `@iconify-json/carbon ^1.1.32` - `@iconify-json/ep ^1.1.15` - `@iconify-json/ic ^1.1.17` - `@iconify-json/mdi ^1.1.66` - `@iconify-json/twemoji ^1.1.15` - `@nuxtjs/color-mode ^3.4.1` - `@nuxtjs/i18n ^8.3.1` - `@pinia/nuxt ^0.5.1` - `@types/crypto-js ^4.2.2` - `@types/jsonwebtoken ^9.0.6` - `@types/ws ^8.5.10` - `@unocss/eslint-config ^0.59.4` - `@unocss/nuxt ^0.59.4` - `@unocss/preset-rem-to-px ^0.59.4` - `@vite-pwa/nuxt ^0.6.0` - `@vueuse/nuxt ^10.9.0` - `commitizen ^4.3.0` - `cz-git ^1.9.1` - `eslint ^9.1.1` - `husky ^9.0.11` - `lint-staged ^15.2.2` - `nuxt ^3.11.2` - `pinia ^2.1.7` - `prisma ^5.13.0` - `sass ^1.75.0` - `typescript ^5.4.5` - `pnpm 8.15.6`

nowo commented 3 months ago
