nowthis / sankeymatic

Make Beautiful Flow Diagrams
ISC License
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API or post url that would return image url #26

Open petteri-m opened 7 years ago

petteri-m commented 7 years ago

I'd like to have something like where you can call URL with diagram parameters and get dynamic image as response.[ACME Project]<[Graphic Design],[ACME Project]<[Back-end Coding]

Or an API perhaps? Would allow automated sankey diagram generation based on data changes.

ncovercash commented 7 years ago

Or even a temporary link for the image generated, my browser really hates huge base64 images

l1n commented 6 years ago

This would be incredibly helpful, I'd be willing to put a bounty down for this

MatzE-sch commented 1 year ago

would be very handy :D