Closed SethPyle376 closed 4 years ago
When I enable exporting exchange metrics I get the following
2019-12-16 14:08:37.293 [error] <0.335.0> Supervisor 'Elixir.Singleton.Supervisor' had child 'Elixir.Singleton.Manager' started with 'Elixir.Singleton.Manager':start_link('Elixir.RabbitMQCloudWatchExporter.Exporter', [], rabbitmq_cloudwatch_exporter, 'singleton_0bpF3SXqPZTQc80tAf+lu7E5kqQ') at <0.6228.0> exit with reason #{'__exception__' => true,'__struct__' => 'Elixir.ExAws.Error',message => <<"ExAws Request Error!\n\n{:error, {:http_error, 400, %{body: \"<ErrorResponse xmlns=\\\"\\\">\\n <Error>\\n <Type>Sender</Type>\\n <Code>MissingParameter</Code>\\n <Message>The parameter MetricData.member.12.Dimensions.member.3.Value is required.\\nThe parameter MetricData.member.13.Dimensions.member.3.Value is required.</Message>\\n </Error>\\n <RequestId>ef2bff11-f087-433...">>} in 'Elixir.ExAws':'request!'/2 line 66 in context child_terminated
this is a duplicate of issue #7. I cannot reproduce on any of my environments so I need somebody to help me following the instructions on the last comment.
When I enable exporting exchange metrics I get the following