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How can I run my own code . . #279

Closed EngHassanJ closed 2 years ago

EngHassanJ commented 2 years ago

I have a piece of code that aims to apply ACL is there any instruction I should go through?

can you check the code, please!

`import sys import ast import os from os import path

def AddUser(user, password): user_list = []

print(os.stat("users.txt").st_size == 0)

if not (os.stat("users.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('users.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file user_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("user list: "+ str(user_list))

if ([username for username in user_list if username[0] == user]): # If username already exists print("Error: user exists") return

user_list.append((user,password)) with open("users.txt", "w") as output: output.write(str(user_list)) print("Success") return

def Authenticate(user, password): user_list = []

print(os.stat("users.txt").st_size == 0)

if not (os.stat("users.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('users.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file user_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("user list: "+ str(user_list))

if (len(user_list) == 0): # If user list is empty print("Error: no such user") return

for username in user_list: if (username[0] == user and username[1] != password): # Found username, but password is incorrect print("Error: bad password") return elif(username[0] == user and username[1] == password ): # Correct username and password found print("Success") return

print("Error: no such user") # Could not find user, thus does not exist return

def SetDomain(user, domain, flag = 0): user_list = [] if not (os.stat("users.txt").st_size == 0): # If not empty file with open('users.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file user_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("user list: "+ str(user_list))

if (len(user_list) == 0 and flag == 0): # If user list is empty print("Error: no such user") return

if (flag == 1): checkDomain(user,domain,1) return

for username in user_list: if (username[0] == user): # User exists checkDomain(user,domain) # Applying user to domain return

print("Error: no such user") # Could not find user, thus does not exist


def checkDomain(user,domain,flag = 0): domain_list = [] if not (os.stat("domains.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('domains.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file domain_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("domain list: "+ str(domain_list))

for d in domain_list: if (domain == d[1]): if (user == d[0]): print("Error: user exists") return

domain_list.append((user,domain)) # appending to domain_list with open("domains.txt", "w") as output: output.write(str(domain_list)) if (flag == 1): return print("Success") return

def DomainInfo(domain): domain_list = [] if not (os.stat("domains.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('domains.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file domain_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("domain list: "+ str(domain_list))

for d in domain_list: if (d[1] == domain): if (not (d[0])): continue else: print(str(d[0]))


def SetType(objectName, type_name, flag = 0): type_list = [] if not (os.stat("types.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('types.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file type_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("type list: "+ str(type_list))

for t in type_list: if (type_name == t[1]): if (objectName == t[0]): print("Error: object already exists") return

type_list.append((objectName,type_name)) # appending to type_list

with open("types.txt", "w") as output: output.write(str(type_list))

if (flag == 1): return print("Success")


def TypeInfo(type_name): type_list = [] if not (os.stat("types.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('types.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file type_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("type list: "+ str(type_list))

for t in type_list: if (t[1] == type_name): if (not (t[0])): continue else: print(str(t[0])) return

def AddAccess(operation, domain_name, type_name): ap_list = [] if not (os.stat("ap.txt").st_size == 0): # If not empty file with open('ap.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file ap_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("ap list: "+ str(ap_list))

if not (os.stat("domains.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('domains.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file domain_list = ast.literal_eval(

dflag = 0 for d in domain_list: if (domain_name == d[1]): dflag = 1 break

if (dflag == 0): SetDomain("",domain_name,1)

if not (os.stat("types.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('types.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file type_list = ast.literal_eval(

tflag = 0 for t in type_list: if (type_name == t[1]): tflag = 1 break

if (tflag == 0): SetType("",type_name,1)

ap_list.append((operation,domain_name,type_name)) # appending to ap_list with open("ap.txt", "w") as output: output.write(str(ap_list))

print("Success") return

def CanAccess(operation, user, obj):

Get domains for user

domain_list = [] user_domains = [] if not (os.stat("domains.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('domains.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file domain_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("domain list: "+ str(domain_list))

for d in domain_list: if (d[0] == user): user_domains.append(d[1])

print("user domains: "+ str(user_domains))

Get types for object

type_list = [] object_types = [] if not (os.stat("types.txt").st_size == 0): #If not empty file with open('types.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file type_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("type list: "+ str(type_list))

for t in type_list: if (t[0] == obj): object_types.append(t[1])

print("types for object: "+ str(object_types))

Get access permissions list

ap_list = [] access_list = [] if not (os.stat("ap.txt").st_size == 0): # If not empty file with open('ap.txt', 'r') as f: # Getting contents of file ap_list = ast.literal_eval(

print("ap list: "+ str(ap_list))

If access control list contains operation get the domain and type

for ap in ap_list: if (ap[0] == operation): access_list.append((ap[1],ap[2]))

print("(domain,type) pairs for operation: "+ str(access_list))

Psuedocode logic implementation

for d in user_domains: for t in object_types: if (d,t) in access_list: print("Success") return

print("Error: access denied") return

print (str(sys.argv))

if (not path.exists("users.txt")): f = open("users.txt","w+") f.close()

if (not path.exists("domains.txt")): f = open("domains.txt","w+") f.close()

if (not path.exists("types.txt")): f = open("types.txt","w+") f.close()

if (not path.exists("ap.txt")): f = open("ap.txt","w+") f.close()

operation = sys.argv cmd = str(sys.argv[1])

if cmd == "AddUser":


if (len(sys.argv) != 4): print("Error: wrong number of arguments") else: if (not (sys.argv[2])): #Handles case of username is missing or empty string print("Error: username missing") else: AddUser(str(sys.argv[2]),str(sys.argv[3]))

elif (cmd == "Authenticate"): if (len(sys.argv) != 4): print("Error: wrong number of arguments") else: Authenticate(str(sys.argv[2]),str(sys.argv[3])) elif (cmd == "SetDomain"): if (len(sys.argv) != 4 or not (sys.argv[3]) ): #Handles case of domain name is missing or empty string print("Error: missing domain") else: SetDomain(str(sys.argv[2]),str(sys.argv[3])) elif (cmd == "DomainInfo"): if (len(sys.argv) != 3): print("Error: wrong number of arguments") else: if (not (sys.argv[2]) ): #Handles case of domain name is missing or empty string print("Error: missing domain") else: DomainInfo(str(sys.argv[2])) elif (cmd == "SetType"): if (len(sys.argv) != 4 or (not (sys.argv[2])) or (not (sys.argv[3]))): #Handles case of object or type_name is missing or empty string print("Error: object or type name missing") else: SetType(str(sys.argv[2]),str(sys.argv[3])) elif (cmd == "TypeInfo"): if (len(sys.argv) != 3): print("Error: wrong number of arguments") else: if (not (sys.argv[2]) ): #Handles case of type_name is missing or empty string print("Error: missing type name") else: TypeInfo(str(sys.argv[2])) elif (cmd == "AddAccess"): flag = 0 # Flag that helps determine whether a parameter is null tf = 0 # Try-except flag that helps determine whether a parameter is null if (len(sys.argv) != 5): #Handles case of username is missing or empty string print("Error: wrong number of arguments") flag = 1 try: op = (sys.argv[2]) except: print("Error: missing operation") tf = 1 try: d = (sys.argv[3]) except: print("Error: missing domain") tf = 1 try: t = (sys.argv[4]) except: print("Error: missing type") tf = 1

if (tf != 1): if ((not (sys.argv[2])) ): #Checking if operation is null flag = 1 print("Error: missing operation") if (((not (sys.argv[3])) )): #Checking if domain is null flag = 1 print("Error: missing domain") if((not (sys.argv[4])) ): #Checking if type is null flag = 1 print("Error: missing type") if (flag == 0): # All parameters present AddAccess(str(sys.argv[2]),str(sys.argv[3]),str(sys.argv[4]))

elif (cmd == "CanAccess"): if (len(sys.argv) != 5): #Handles case of username is missing or empty string print("Error: wrong number of arguments") else: CanAccess(str(sys.argv[2]),str(sys.argv[3]),str(sys.argv[4]))`

EngHassanJ commented 2 years ago

@MurphyMc can you help, please! if you can I'll appreciate thanks

MurphyMc commented 2 years ago

I'd suggest checking out the POX manual, reading the POX example components, reading the OpenFlow specification (maybe starting with 1.0 as it's by far the simplest), and maybe checking out the OpenFlow Tutorial (be sure to look at the sidebar on the right or maybe see this version).

While one can certainly debate about whether it's the right way to do it, one way that many have implemented ACLs is to reactively install exact-match table entries in switches -- but only when the flow is allowed by ACLs when checked at the controller. A common way this has been done in practice is to modify the l2_learning component by extending its PacketIn handler to check the ACL and just not add the ofp_action_output action if the flow wouldn't pass the ACL.

And if you want your code read, you'll have better luck posting it as a gist than something in Google Drive.