nparashuram / cordova-plugin-browsersync

BrowserSync Plugin for Cordova
110 stars 69 forks source link

Help couldn't get this to work. #21

Open mdumouchel opened 8 years ago

mdumouchel commented 8 years ago

Hello Everyone, Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong but i can't get this plugin to work at all. I did tried the first installation and when I do the --live-reload

`[BS] Access URLs:

   Local: http://localhost:3001
External: http://

      UI: http://localhost:3002

UI External: http://

[BS] Serving files from: platforms/android/assets/www [BS] Serving files from: platforms/ios/www [BS] Watching files...`

ends with the following `\ BUILD SUCCEEDED **

No target specified for emulator. Deploying to iPhone-6s-Plus, 9.3 simulator io.cordova.hellocordova: 15648 `

however nothing is running on localhost:3001 or 3002

aronsuarez commented 8 years ago

Same here

mdumouchel commented 8 years ago

I was able to get this to working when I had an iphone connected.

davidalee commented 7 years ago

It seems that this project is no longer being actively maintained. Anyone have any alternatives to enable livereload in Cordova?

axemclion commented 7 years ago

@davidalee While I am not actively maintaining it, I am happy to merge in pull requests if you have fixes for the issues.

ChrisButterworth commented 7 years ago

I get an issue similar to this, I know live-reload is supposed to be constantly running but once the build process runs it quits meaning it no longer reloads anything.