npereznyc / Project-2-Weather-App

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Reflection #25

Open npereznyc opened 1 year ago

npereznyc commented 1 year ago

The most difficult part of our project’s development was getting the API to work with the geolocation; specifically, having the app get geolocation first and then fetch from the API. We ran into a number of issues and errors with the API trying to fetch before latitude and longitude were defined. We ended up getting it to work, though it’s still not as smooth as we’d like it to be.

Something we’ve learned about developing in React is the power of the console.log to continually check what’s happening with the code every step of the way so that we can identify any breaks in the code. Especially when it comes to passing props, an error in the parent component will cause errors in the child; knowing that the error is in the parent component before testing the child component is crucial.

Features/approaches we will be investigating in future development work:

Rancor38 commented 1 year ago

API Integrations 2 - Satisfactory Sufficient complexity 2 - Satisfactory, some areas that could be refactored to reduce repetitive code. Deployed to production 3 - Exceeds Expectations. Could use a custom URL. Basic styling & layout design 2 - Satisfactory, could refactor; design is not responsive. Functionality 3 - Exceeds Expectations Code quality 3 - The comments and organisation go a long way to making your code more readable. Documentation 2 - Satisfactory Total = 17/21