npgsql / EntityFramework6.Npgsql

Entity Framework 6 provider for PostgreSQL
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Npgsql and Npgsql.EntityFramework Not Handling the timestamptz DataType Consistently #16

Open roji opened 8 years ago

roji commented 8 years ago

From @kmschaefer on May 12, 2015 19:33

This is the error I receive when trying to view the data in an MVC-generated web page: The 'timestamptzfield' property on 'test' could not be set to a 'System.DateTime' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type 'System.DateTimeOffset'.

Here is a comparison showing how the fields and data look via psql, referencing Npgsql only, and referencing Npgsql and Npgsql.EntityFramework.

psql on Linux server:

=> \d test Table "test" Column | Type | Modifiers ------------------+-----------------------------+----------- id | integer | not null datefield | date | timestampfield | timestamp without time zone | timestamptzfield | timestamp with time zone | Indexes: "test_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

=> insert into test (id, datefield, timestampfield, timestamptzfield) values (1, '2015-04-27 21:25:16.102666-04', '2015-04-27 21:25:16.102666-04', '2015-04-27 21:25:16.102666-04');

=> select * from test; id | datefield | timestampfield | timestamptzfield
----+------------+----------------------------+------------------------------- 1 | 2015-04-27 | 2015-04-27 21:25:16.102666 | 2015-04-27 21:25:16.102666-04

Console Application Referencing Npgsql Only:

Columns: id (System.Int32) datefield (System.DateTime) timestampfield (System.DateTime) timestamptzfield (System.DateTime) // Should be System.DateTimeOffSet

Data: id: 1 datefield: 4/27/2015 12:00:00 AM timestampfield: 4/27/2015 9:25:16 PM timestamptzfield: 4/28/2015 1:25:16 AM

Referencing Npgsql and Npgsql.EntityFramework (EF 6.1.3)

public partial class test { public int id { get; set; } public Nullable datefield { get; set; } public Nullable timestampfield { get; set; } public Nullable timestamptzfield { get; set; } // Created correctly by the ADO.NET Entity Data Model wizard }

Viewing the MVC-generated web page gives the error shown above. I found this issue about DateTime vs DateTimeOffset: From what I am seeing, it appears Npgsql needs to be changed back to convert timestamptz to DateTimeOffset.

Copied from original issue: npgsql/npgsql#604

roji commented 8 years ago

From @kmschaefer on May 12, 2015 20:22

I made some changes in Npgsql.EntityFramework to match Npgsql, and the MVC-generated web page worked:


Create New

datefield timestampfield timestamptzfield 4/27/2015 12:00:00 AM 4/27/2015 9:25:16 PM 4/28/2015 1:25:16 AM Edit | Details | Delete


Added: Type Name="timestamptz" PrimitiveTypeKind="DateTime" FacetDescriptions Precision DefaultValue="0" Constant="true" FacetDescriptions Type

Commented out: Type Name="timestamptz" PrimitiveTypeKind="DateTimeOffset" FacetDescriptions Precision Minimum="0" Maximum="10" DefaultValue="7" Constant="false" FacetDescriptions Type


case "date": case "timestamptz": return TypeUsage.CreateDateTimeTypeUsage(primitiveType, 0); //case "timestamptz": // if (storeType.Facets.TryGetValue(PrecisionFacet, false, out facet) && // !facet.IsUnbounded && facet.Value != null) // { // return TypeUsage.CreateDateTimeOffsetTypeUsage(primitiveType, (byte)facet.Value); // } // else // { // return TypeUsage.CreateDateTimeOffsetTypeUsage(primitiveType, null); // }

I would prefer to make changes to Npgsql rather than Npgsql.EntityFramework, because I think we could end up messing up the timestamptz data in the database.