npgsql / npgsql

Npgsql is the .NET data provider for PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQL License
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Installer throwing MissingTargetFrameworkException exception #469

Closed nathan-alden-sr closed 9 years ago

nathan-alden-sr commented 9 years ago

I downloaded the installer from I chose to install all options. The installer fails to install the VS 2013 extension with this message:

Install Error : Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.MissingTargetFrameworkException: The extension 'NpgsqlDdexProvider' requires a version of the .NET Framework that is not installed.

Of course, my machine has .NET 4.5 installed, as well as .NET 4.5.1 and .NET 4.5.2. I am running Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 only. I suspect this may have to do with me having .NET 4.5.1 and .NET 4.5.2 installed. Perhaps the installer needs to be more lenient with its required .NET Framework versions.

Please let me know if I can somehow help resolve this issue as it is preventing me from creating PostgreSQL data sources in VS 2013.

Here is the full log file:

2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - -------------------------------------------
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Initializing Install...
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Extension Details...
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   Identifier      : 958b9481-2712-4670-9a62-8fe65e5beea7
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   Name            : NpgsqlDdexProvider
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   Author          : Npgsql
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   Version         : 1.0
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   Description     : Npgsql Ddex Provider
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   Locale          : en-US
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   MoreInfoURL     : 
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   InstalledByMSI  : False
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5]
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - 
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   Supported Products : 
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [11.0]
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntegratedShell
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Premium
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.Ultimate
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSWinExpress
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.VPDExpress
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.VWDExpress
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSLS
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -           Version : [12.0,13.0)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - 
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -   References      : 
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       -------------------------------------------------------
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Identifier   : Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.11.0
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Name         : Visual Studio MPF 11.0
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Version      : [11.0]
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       MoreInfoURL  : 
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM -       Nested       : No
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - 
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - 
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Searching for applicable products...
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - The extension with ID '958b9481-2712-4670-9a62-8fe65e5beea7' is not installed to Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013.
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Premium 2013
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Shell (Integrated)
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Found installed product - Global Location
2/4/2015 9:42:34 AM - Found installed product - ssms
2/4/2015 9:42:35 AM - The following target products have been selected...
2/4/2015 9:42:35 AM -   Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013
2/4/2015 9:42:35 AM - 
2/4/2015 9:42:36 AM - Beginning to install extension to Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013...
2/4/2015 9:42:36 AM - Install Error : Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.MissingTargetFrameworkException: The extension 'NpgsqlDdexProvider' requires a version of the .NET Framework that is not installed.
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.CheckForValidDotNetFramework(IExtension extension)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.CheckForInstallBlockers(InstallableExtensionImpl extension, IInstalledExtensionList modifiedInstalledExtensionsList, Boolean isNestedExtension, Boolean& olderVersionInstalled)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.InstallInternal(InstallableExtensionImpl extension, Boolean perMachine, Boolean isNestedExtension, IDictionary`2 extensionsInstalledSoFar, List`1 extensionsUninstalledSoFar, IInstalledExtensionList modifiedInstalledExtensionsList, AsyncOperation asyncOp, UInt64 totalBytesToWrite, UInt64& totalBytesWritten)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.BeginInstall(IInstallableExtension installableExtension, Boolean perMachine, AsyncOperation asyncOp)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ExtensionManager.ExtensionManagerService.InstallWorker(IInstallableExtension extension, Boolean perMachine, AsyncOperation asyncOp)
kenjiuno commented 9 years ago

Hi. Thanks for trying it! I remember that the ddex installation ran well in those days...

Today I have encountered the same problem as you have reported, when I install ddex support. I'll check it.

kenjiuno commented 9 years ago

Hi. @nathan-alden

The problem is fixed, and new setups are avail:

Setup_Npgsql- (Vs2013/Vs2012)

Setup_Npgsql- (Vs2010)

These setups are built through my private branch Branch_v2.2.4.1_with_setup. kenjiuno/Npgsql@2e34d46fbaf58853e487b0e678bea5e9d9174cdb

I'll be glad if newer setup is updated at release section.

Thanks kenjiuno

franciscojunior commented 9 years ago

I'll be glad if newer setup is updated at release section.


Thank you very much @kenjiuno for your help with those installers! :)

nathan-alden-sr commented 9 years ago

Thank you for being so responsive to this issue. Your fix worked on my machine. Keep giving us .NET developers a reason to use PostgreSQL! :+1: