npinto / gentoo-prefix-bootstrap

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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More scientific python packages from Ondrej Certik #5

Open npinto opened 12 years ago

npinto commented 12 years ago


(via @zstone)

npinto commented 12 years ago

More packages:

> - numpy *
> - scipy
> - matplotlib *
> - vtk (python wrappers + C++ libs) *
> - elementtree *
> - ctypes *
> - readline (i.e. a functional readline extension module) *
> - swig
> - mpi4py *
> - petsc4py *
> - pympi
> - nose *
> - pytables *
> - basemap
> - cython *
> - sympy *
> - pycuda
> - pyopencl
> - IPython *
> - wxpython
> - PyQt *
> - pygtk
> - PyTrilinos
> - virtualenv *
> - Pandas
> - numexpr *
> - pygrib