From deptry, a tool that checks dependencies against the source code:
$ deptry .
Scanning 10 files...
requirements.txt: DEP002 'annotated-types' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'anyio' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'certifi' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'charset-normalizer' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'distro' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'h11' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'httpcore' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'httpx' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'idna' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'markdown-it-py' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'mdurl' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'pydantic' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'pydantic_core' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'Pygments' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'regex' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'requests' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'sniffio' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'tqdm' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'typing_extensions' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
requirements.txt: DEP002 'urllib3' defined as a dependency but not used in the codebase
Found 20 dependency issues.
For more information, see the documentation:
From deptry, a tool that checks dependencies against the source code: