I was wondering if you have heard of the Improv standard and if you would be interested in adding it to this project. The standard lets you provision a device to a Wi-Fi network via either serial or BLE, so you don't need to connect to the device's ad-hoc network.
It would be a great addition imo! I'm not really a fan of having to connect to ad-hoc networks to set up a device, since my phone usually gets upset at the lack of internet connection.
I was wondering if you have heard of the Improv standard and if you would be interested in adding it to this project. The standard lets you provision a device to a Wi-Fi network via either serial or BLE, so you don't need to connect to the device's ad-hoc network.
It would be a great addition imo! I'm not really a fan of having to connect to ad-hoc networks to set up a device, since my phone usually gets upset at the lack of internet connection.