I changed the issue description from npm update to npm install.
When I tried to run npm install for a caret defined package then the version changed in package.json and package.lock, but when I did the same with tilde then the version was the same in package.json but package.lock was updated with the new one.
Is there an existing issue for this?
This issue exists in the latest npm version
Current Behavior
Expected Behavior
Steps To Reproduce
Please see at Current Behavior
_auth = (protected) access = null all = false allow-same-version = false also = null audit = true audit-level = null auth-type = "legacy" before = null bin-links = true browser = null ca = null cache = "C:\Users\Patrik\AppData\Local\npm-cache" cache-max = null cache-min = 0 cafile = null call = "" cert = null ci-name = null cidr = null color = true commit-hooks = true depth = null description = true dev = false diff = [] diff-dst-prefix = "b/" diff-ignore-all-space = false diff-name-only = false diff-no-prefix = false diff-src-prefix = "a/" diff-text = false diff-unified = 3 dry-run = false editor = "notepad.exe" engine-strict = false fetch-retries = 2 fetch-retry-factor = 10 fetch-retry-maxtimeout = 60000 fetch-retry-mintimeout = 10000 fetch-timeout = 300000 force = false foreground-scripts = false format-package-lock = true fund = true git = "git" git-tag-version = true global = false global-style = false globalconfig = "C:\Users\Patrik\AppData\Roaming\npm\etc\npmrc" heading = "npm" https-proxy = null if-present = false ignore-scripts = false include = [] include-staged = false include-workspace-root = false init-author-email = "" init-author-name = "" init-author-url = "" init-license = "ISC" init-module = "C:\Users\Patrik\.npm-init.js" init-version = "1.0.0" init.author.email = "" init.author.name = "" init.author.url = "" init.license = "ISC" init.module = "C:\Users\Patrik\.npm-init.js" init.version = "1.0.0" install-links = false json = false key = null legacy-bundling = false legacy-peer-deps = false link = false local-address = null location = "user" lockfile-version = null loglevel = "notice" logs-dir = null logs-max = 10 ; long = false ; overridden by cli maxsockets = 15 message = "%s" metrics-registry = "https://registry.npmjs.org/" node-options = null node-version = "v18.5.0" noproxy = [""] npm-version = "8.19.2" offline = false omit = [] omit-lockfile-registry-resolved = false only = null optional = null otp = null pack-destination = "." package = [] package-lock = true package-lock-only = false parseable = false prefer-offline = false prefer-online = false ; prefix = "C:\Program Files\nodejs" ; overridden by builtin preid = "" production = null progress = true proxy = null read-only = false rebuild-bundle = true registry = "https://registry.npmjs.org/" replace-registry-host = "npmjs" save = true save-bundle = false save-dev = false save-exact = false save-optional = false save-peer = false save-prefix = "^" save-prod = false scope = "" script-shell = null searchexclude = "" searchlimit = 20 searchopts = "" searchstaleness = 900 shell = "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" shrinkwrap = true sign-git-commit = false sign-git-tag = false sso-poll-frequency = 500 sso-type = "oauth" strict-peer-deps = false strict-ssl = true tag = "latest" tag-version-prefix = "v" timing = false tmp = "C:\Users\Patrik\AppData\Local\Temp" umask = 0 unicode = true update-notifier = true usage = false user-agent = "npm/{npm-version} node/{node-version} {platform} {arch} workspaces/{workspaces} {ci}" userconfig = "C:\Users\Patrik\.npmrc" version = false versions = false viewer = "browser" which = null workspace = [] workspaces = null workspaces-update = true yes = null