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npm adduser fails #103

Open gmaggess opened 11 years ago

gmaggess commented 11 years ago

Hi Gurus,

I have installed couchdb 1.0.4 - not sure if it's supported - node v0.10.5, and npm v1.2.18. I've managed to run replicate [] successfully, but now I'm having issues to create adduser with npm. I only have admin setup on my server so far and secure_rewrite is false. I guess I've done my homework, but I guess something simple might be missing.

When I run 'npm adduser' I'm facing the 401 below. If the user was previously created using 'curl -X PUT 'http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/_users/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess' -d '{"name": "gmaggess","password": "welcome1", "type": "user","roles": ["editor"]}', then I get a 404. Does anyone have a clue about what could've been happening here?

$ sudo npm adduser --verbose --registry http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry npm info it worked if it ends with ok npm verb cli [ '/scratch/gmaggess/node-v0.10.5-linux-x64/bin/node', npm verb cli '/scratch/gmaggess/node-v0.10.5-linux-x64/bin/npm', npm verb cli 'adduser', npm verb cli '--verbose', npm verb cli '--registry', npm verb cli 'http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry' ] npm info using npm@1.2.18 npm info using node@v0.10.5 Username: gmaggess Password: Email: npm verb adduser before first PUT { name: 'gmaggess', npm verb adduser salt: 'XXXXX', npm verb adduser password_sha: 'XXXXX', npm verb adduser email: '', npm verb adduser _id: 'org.couchdb.user:gmaggess', npm verb adduser type: 'user', npm verb adduser roles: [], npm verb adduser date: '2013-05-04T00:02:46.928Z' } npm verb url raw /-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm verb url resolving [ 'http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/', npm verb url resolving './-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess' ] npm verb url resolved http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm info trying registry request attempt 1 at 17:02:46 npm http PUT http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm info retry will retry, error on last attempt: Error: Parse Error npm info trying registry request attempt 2 at 17:02:57 npm http PUT http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm http 409 http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm verb adduser update existing user npm verb url raw /-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm verb url resolving [ 'http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/', npm verb url resolving './-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess' ] npm verb url resolved http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm info trying registry request attempt 1 at 17:02:57 npm http GET http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm http 401 http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm verb adduser back [ [Error: unauthorized Name or password is incorrect.: registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess], npm verb adduser { error: 'unauthorized', npm verb adduser reason: 'Name or password is incorrect.' }, npm verb adduser '{"error":"unauthorized","reason":"Name or password is incorrect."}\n' ] npm WARN adduser Incorrect username or password npm WARN adduser You can reset your account by visiting: npm WARN adduser npm WARN adduser npm WARN adduser npm ERR! Error: unauthorized Name or password is incorrect.: registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm ERR! at RegClient. (/scratch/gmaggess/node-v0.10.5-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/lib/request.js:269:14) npm ERR! at Request.self.callback (/scratch/gmaggess/node-v0.10.5-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/index.js:142:22) npm ERR! at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17) npm ERR! at Request. (/scratch/gmaggess/node-v0.10.5-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/index.js:856:14) npm ERR! at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20) npm ERR! at IncomingMessage. (/scratch/gmaggess/node-v0.10.5-linux-x64/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/index.js:808:12) npm ERR! at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20) npm ERR! at _stream_readable.js:895:16 npm ERR! at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13) npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this log at: npm ERR! npm ERR! or email it to: npm ERR! npm ERR! System Linux 2.6.39-300.20.1.el6uek.x86_64 npm ERR! command "/scratch/gmaggess/node-v0.10.5-linux-x64/bin/node" "/scratch/gmaggess/node-v0.10.5-linux-x64/bin/npm" "adduser" "--verbose" "--registry" "http://admin:Welcome1@machine:5984/registry" npm ERR! cwd /scratch/gmaggess npm ERR! node -v v0.10.5 npm ERR! npm -v 1.2.18 npm verb exit [ 1, true ] npm ERR! npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in: npm ERR! /scratch/gmaggess/npm-debug.log npm ERR! not ok code 0

Cheers, George

gmaggess commented 11 years ago

I tried to downgrade nodejs to 0.8.18 and I don't get 404s anymore. Only 401.

isaacs commented 11 years ago

Try taking the "admin:Welcome1@" out of your registry config. It's trying to log in as two users at once!

On Friday, May 3, 2013, George Maggessy wrote:

I tried to downgrade nodejs to 0.8.18 and I don't get 404s anymore. Only 401.

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gmaggess commented 11 years ago

I've done that, and no luck. So, where does the user/password info gets store? In ".npmrc"? I might be missing smth here. For instance, in my .npmrc there's no "auth" entry. Is it necessary? If so, how do I create it?

isaacs commented 11 years ago

The _auth entry gets added on a successful npm adduser call.

You probably should not run it as sudo, either.

What version of couchdb do you have?

gmaggess commented 11 years ago


Best regards, George Maggessy [Sent from my iPhone]

On May 6, 2013, at 7:26 AM, "Isaac Z. Schlueter" wrote:

The _auth entry gets added on a successful npm adduser call.

You probably should not run it as sudo, either.

What version of couchdb do you have?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

isaacs commented 11 years ago

@gmaggess I believe you need a newer couchdb. We're running 1.3.0 in production.

What do you see in the couchdb server logs when the adduser happens? Any crashes or interesting stuff?

gmaggess commented 11 years ago

Hi Isaac,

Now that I have the latest couchdb - running on windows7 64 bit - I managed to follow your instructions with a couple of tweaks. I created the registry database using the replication command:

curl -X POST http://slc01pvp:5984/_replicate -d '{"source":"", "target":"registry", "continuous":true, "create_target":true, "proxy":"http://proxy:80"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

The commands below worked flawlessly this time:

npm --registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite login npm --registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite search

I also added my private repository to the npm registry as suggested on github:

npm config set registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite

Fails when running npm install though:

$ npm install atbar npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar npm http 404 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar npm ERR! 404 'atbar' is not in the npm registry. npm ERR! 404 You should bug the author to publish it npm ERR! 404 npm ERR! 404 Note that you can also install from a npm ERR! 404 tarball, folder, or http url, or git url.

npm ERR! System Darwin 12.3.0 npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "atbar" npm ERR! cwd /Users/gmaggess/Developer/myprojects/cag-projects/yeoman npm ERR! node -v v0.8.18 npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.71 npm ERR! code E404 npm ERR! npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in: npm ERR! /Users/gmaggess/Developer/myprojects/cag-projects/yeoman/npm-debug.log npm ERR! not ok code 0

On the other hand, if I set the registry as shown below, it works flawlessly.

$ npm config set registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/ $ npm install atbar npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/atbar npm http 200 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/atbar npm http GET npm http 200 npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore.inspector npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore.string npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore npm http 404 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore.string npm http 404 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore npm http 200 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore.inspector npm http GET npm http 200 atbar@0.4.2 node_modules/atbar ├── underscore.inspector@0.1.2 ├── underscore@1.4.4 └── underscore.string@2.3.1

adduser works in this case as well:

$ npm adduser Username: gmaggess Password: Email: npm http PUT http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm http 201 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess

So, why can't I see "gmaggess" in couched as a user?

Publishing packages also fail:

$ npm publish generator-cagspa --registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry npm ERR! publish Failed PUT response undefined npm ERR! Error: login error npm ERR! at RegClient. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/lib/request.js:81:22) npm ERR! at CouchLogin. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/node_modules/couch-login/couch-login.js:177:14) npm ERR! at CouchLogin. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/node_modules/couch-login/couch-login.js:159:46) npm ERR! at Request.init.self.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/main.js:120:22) npm ERR! at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:99:17) npm ERR! at Request. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/main.js:648:16) npm ERR! at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20) npm ERR! at IncomingMessage.Request.start.self.req.self.httpModule.request.buffer (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/main.js:610:14) npm ERR! at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20) npm ERR! at IncomingMessage._emitEnd (http.js:366:10) npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this log at: npm ERR! npm ERR! or email it to: npm ERR!

I tried adding the registry reference, I also tried adding the newly create user/password in the beginning of the registry url - http://gmaggess:password@slc01pvp:5984/registry - but it all failed with the same error.

Any clue about what could be wrong here?

Thanks again for your time.

Cheers, George Maggessy

On May 6, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Isaac Z. Schlueter wrote:

@gmaggess I believe you need a newer couchdb. We're running 1.3.0 in production.

What do you see in the couchdb server logs when the adduser happens? Any crashes or interesting stuff?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

isaacs commented 11 years ago

Here's what happening.

/registry/_design/app/_rewrite is a collection of rules that map the URL to some other location. /registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar maps to /registry/_design/app/_show/package?package=atbar, which basically just shows the atbar doc as-is. So, if you pull the doc directly, npm can handle it.

However, note that /registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar/0.4.2 would map to /registry/_design/app/_show/package?package=atbar&version=0.4.2, which shows only shows that one version. So, with your approach that doesn't go through the rewrites, you'll see a 404 there, instead of the specific version data.

A login is a PUT into the users db. If you PUT to /registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:me, then I'm not sure what that would even do, but what it certainly WON'T do is rewrite the url to /_users/org.couchdb.user:me. That's what the app/_rewrite rules do. So, since you are not using them, it doesn't create the user account, and you can't actually log in with that account.

Let's please try to fix the root issue. Believe me when I tell you that the workaround you're using is not viable.

What do you see when you visit /registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar in your browser? What shows up in the logs when you hit it? Do you have insecure_rewrites enabled in your couchdb configs?

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:13 PM, George Maggessy notifications@github.comwrote:

Hi Isaac,

Now that I have the latest couchdb - running on windows7 64 bit - I managed to follow your instructions with a couple of tweaks. I created the registry database using the replication command:

curl -X POST http://slc01pvp:5984/_replicate -d '{"source":"", "target":"registry", "continuous":true, "create_target":true, "proxy":"http://proxy:80"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

The commands below worked flawlessly this time:

npm --registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewritelogin npm --registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewritesearch

I also added my private repository to the npm registry as suggested on github:

npm config set registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite

Fails when running npm install though:

$ npm install atbar npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar npm http 404 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar npm ERR! 404 'atbar' is not in the npm registry. npm ERR! 404 You should bug the author to publish it npm ERR! 404 npm ERR! 404 Note that you can also install from a npm ERR! 404 tarball, folder, or http url, or git url.

npm ERR! System Darwin 12.3.0 npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "atbar" npm ERR! cwd /Users/gmaggess/Developer/myprojects/cag-projects/yeoman npm ERR! node -v v0.8.18 npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.71 npm ERR! code E404 npm ERR! npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in: npm ERR! /Users/gmaggess/Developer/myprojects/cag-projects/yeoman/npm-debug.log npm ERR! not ok code 0

On the other hand, if I set the registry as shown below, it works flawlessly.

$ npm config set registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/ $ npm install atbar npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/atbar npm http 200 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/atbar npm http GET npm http 200 npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore.inspector npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore.string npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore npm http 404 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore.string npm http 404 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore npm http 200 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/underscore.inspector npm http GET npm http 200 atbar@0.4.2 node_modules/atbar ├── underscore.inspector@0.1.2 ├── underscore@1.4.4 └── underscore.string@2.3.1

adduser works in this case as well:

$ npm adduser Username: gmaggess Password: Email: npm http PUT http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm http 201 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess

So, why can't I see "gmaggess" in couched as a user?

Publishing packages also fail:

$ npm publish generator-cagspa --registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry npm ERR! publish Failed PUT response undefined npm ERR! Error: login error npm ERR! at RegClient. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/lib/request.js:81:22)

npm ERR! at CouchLogin. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/node_modules/couch-login/couch-login.js:177:14)

npm ERR! at CouchLogin. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/node_modules/couch-login/couch-login.js:159:46)

npm ERR! at Request.init.self.callback (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/main.js:120:22) npm ERR! at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:99:17) npm ERR! at Request. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/main.js:648:16) npm ERR! at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20) npm ERR! at IncomingMessage.Request.start.self.req.self.httpModule.request.buffer (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/main.js:610:14) npm ERR! at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20) npm ERR! at IncomingMessage._emitEnd (http.js:366:10) npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this log at: npm ERR! npm ERR! or email it to: npm ERR!

I tried adding the registry reference, I also tried adding the newly create user/password in the beginning of the registry url - http://gmaggess:password@slc01pvp:5984/registry - but it all failed with the same error.

Any clue about what could be wrong here?

Thanks again for your time.

Cheers, George Maggessy

On May 6, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Isaac Z. Schlueter wrote:

@gmaggess I believe you need a newer couchdb. We're running 1.3.0 in production.

What do you see in the couchdb server logs when the adduser happens? Any crashes or interesting stuff?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

gmaggess commented 11 years ago

OK. Thanks again for your continuos help.

Answering your questions:

  1. What do you see when you visit /registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar in your browser? {"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
  2. What shows up in the logs when you hit it? [Thu, 09 May 2013 06:03:42 GMT] [info] [<0.24827.18>] - - GET /registry/_design/app/_rewrite/atbar 404
  3. Do you have insecure_rewrites enabled in your couchdb configs? Yes. secure_rewrites = false on default.ini

However, if I replace 'app' by 'scratch' in the url it seems to work fine.

Commands such as login

$ npm --registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/ login Username: (gmaggess) Email: ( npm http PUT http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm http 409 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm http 200 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess npm http PUT http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess/-rev/1-d148a12a1f49423f1612a94bb8cef6d7 npm http 201 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/-/user/org.couchdb.user:gmaggess/-rev/1-d148a12a1f49423f1612a94bb8cef6d7

And search

$ npm --registry http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/ search NAME DESCRIPTION AUTHOR DATE KEYWORDS ... abhispeak Finally, lorem ipsum worth reading. =mertonium 2011-09-22 07:27 lorem ipsum lipsum filler text activeobject An interface for JSON objects for updating, deleting, inserting and creating properties. =mike.hemesath 2011-07-21 20:55 json node actor Experimental library implementing scala like actors in javascript. =gozala (prehistoric) actor generators async javascript 1.7 ...

They all look fine. Even publish works as well:

$ sudo npm publish generator-cagspa Password: npm http PUT http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa npm http 201 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa npm http 200 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa npm http PUT http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa/0.0.0/-tag/latest npm http 201 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa/0.0.0/-tag/latest npm http GET http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa npm http 200 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa npm http PUT http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa/-/generator-cagspa-0.0.0.tgz/-rev/2-e60d74f578cd908571ca6bb95b1129c7 npm http 201 http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite/generator-cagspa/-/generator-cagspa-0.0.0.tgz/-rev/2-e60d74f578cd908571ca6bb95b1129c7

This is how my .npmrc looks now:

_auth = Z21hZ2dlc3M6d2VsY29tZTE= email = registry = http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/scratch/_rewrite http://slc01pvp:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite = 0

[_token] AuthSession = Z21hZ2dlc3M6NTE4QjQxRTU6dfnrJ2_icoDsoAKALdIeoVBq2o4 version = 1 path = / httponly = true expires = 1399616873655

Now, my main question is... Where does this "scratch" come from?!

Cheers, George

isaacs commented 11 years ago

Ohhhhh... ok. In the repo, when you do npm start, it prints out some further instructions. Follow those instructions.

Of course, on your little repo with a single package, it's no big deal. But, with the full registry of 30000 or so packages, view generation can take quite a long time. If you push directly to the app design doc, then users will not be able to fetch views until it's done with the view generation.

So, instead, I have it set to push to _design/scratch. Then, I make sure that my changes are good, etc, and run npm run load to trigger view generation. As of couch 1.3.0, this is no longer necessary, since the view generation happens automatically, but the load script will sit there and hang until the view generation is done, so you know that you're waiting long enough. Once it finishes, run npm run copy to do a single atomic HTTP COPY from _design/scratch to _design/app, which also changes the pointer to the generated views in a single step, so that users are not impacted while they wait for them to generate.

gmaggess commented 11 years ago

Hold on! :) When and where should I issue the "npm start"?

I've use the replicate package ( to copy all packages from Do I really need it? If I'm not wrong npm should pull the packages from if it's not found under my private repo, right?

On paragraph 3, what you are saying is that you don't push your package to the standard repo ".../app/..." right awat but to scratch. Then I believe you might install the package back pulling it from scratch to check if everything is fine. If that's the case you issue the view generation, which is not necessary for me either since I've got couchdb 1.3 as well.

Cool, I guess I'm almost there. My feeling is that the only missing thing here is where I should issue "npm start", "npm run load", and "npm run copy".

Well, I guess doesn't need all those steps, am I right? And I want to mimic exactly what is there. I've published and unpublished packages right away and I don't have the feeling that there was a view generation running in the background.

Cheers and thanks a bunch for your time. George

terinjokes commented 10 years ago


The improvements to the README I think greatly clarifies the steps needed to be done and in what order. If you want to give it another shot, preferably with CouchDB 1.5, and let us know how it goes.

johnzheng1975 commented 7 years ago

$ npm owner add john.zheng uppercasemej --registry http://**admin:john**@XXXXXX:5984/registry/_design/app/_rewrite

Please make sure the username(http://**admin:john**@XXXXXX:5984) in url has admin rights to access couchdb users database!