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Unable to publish a new package version #12559

Closed ramabouda closed 7 years ago

ramabouda commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to publish an update for a package I have access to, and I have the error you do not have permission to publish "systematic". Are you logged in as the correct user? : systematic The package name is systematic, here is my profile If it matters, I was given access the same day, and I can publish other packages.

Another maintainer could publish the package, but not when he tried with my token. I checked the token is a valid one (listed on my account), so I think the issue is not on the client side.

Debug log

0 info it worked if it ends with ok 1 verbose cli [ '/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/bin/node', 1 verbose cli '/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/bin/npm', 1 verbose cli 'publish', 1 verbose cli '--registry', 1 verbose cli '' ] 2 info using npm@3.8.6 3 info using node@v5.11.0 4 verbose publish [ '.' ] 5 silly cache add args [ '.', null ] 6 verbose cache add spec . 7 silly cache add parsed spec Result { 7 silly cache add raw: '.', 7 silly cache add scope: null, 7 silly cache add name: null, 7 silly cache add rawSpec: '.', 7 silly cache add spec: '/home/raphael/dev/systematic', 7 silly cache add type: 'directory' } 8 verbose addLocalDirectory /home/raphael/.npm/systematic/0.1.2/package.tgz not in flight; packing 9 verbose correctMkdir /home/raphael/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing 10 info lifecycle systematic@0.1.2~prepublish: systematic@0.1.2 11 silly lifecycle systematic@0.1.2~prepublish: no script for prepublish, continuing 12 verbose tar pack [ '/home/raphael/.npm/systematic/0.1.2/package.tgz', 12 verbose tar pack '/home/raphael/dev/systematic' ] 13 verbose tarball /home/raphael/.npm/systematic/0.1.2/package.tgz 14 verbose folder /home/raphael/dev/systematic 15 verbose addLocalTarball adding from inside cache /home/raphael/.npm/systematic/0.1.2/package.tgz 16 verbose correctMkdir /home/raphael/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing 17 silly cache afterAdd systematic@0.1.2 18 verbose afterAdd /home/raphael/.npm/systematic/0.1.2/package/package.json not in flight; writing 19 verbose correctMkdir /home/raphael/.npm correctMkdir not in flight; initializing 20 verbose afterAdd /home/raphael/.npm/systematic/0.1.2/package/package.json written 21 silly publish { name: 'systematic', 21 silly publish version: '0.1.2', 21 silly publish main: './index.js', 21 silly publish description: 'Simple tooling for frontend apps', 21 silly publish publishConfig: { registry: '' }, 21 silly publish repository: 21 silly publish { type: 'git', 21 silly publish url: 'git+' }, 21 silly publish scripts: { test: 'No tests yet' }, 21 silly publish keywords: [], 21 silly publish author: { name: 'Polyconseil' }, 21 silly publish license: 'MIT', 21 silly publish files: [ '_', '!.gitignore' ], 21 silly publish dependencies: 21 silly publish { 'babel-core': '6.7.4', 21 silly publish 'babel-loader': '6.2.4', 21 silly publish 'babel-plugin-transform-strict-mode': '6.6.5', 21 silly publish 'babel-polyfill': '6.7.4', 21 silly publish 'babel-preset-es2015': '6.6.0', 21 silly publish 'css-loader': '0.23.1', 21 silly publish easygettext: '1.0.3', 21 silly publish eslint: '2.7.0', 21 silly publish 'file-loader': '0.8.5', 21 silly publish 'html-loader': '0.4.3', 21 silly publish 'html-webpack-plugin': '2.15.0', 21 silly publish 'http-server': '0.9.0', 21 silly publish ini: '1.3.4', 21 silly publish jade: '1.11.0', 21 silly publish 'jade-loader': '0.8.0', 21 silly publish 'jasmine-core': '2.4.1', 21 silly publish 'json-loader': '0.5.4', 21 silly publish 'karma-coverage': '0.5.5', 21 silly publish 'karma-jasmine': '0.3.8', 21 silly publish 'karma-jasmine-html-reporter': '0.2.0', 21 silly publish 'karma-jasmine-matchers': '2.0.2', 21 silly publish 'karma-junit-reporter': '0.4.1', 21 silly publish 'karma-mocha-reporter': '2.0.0', 21 silly publish 'karma-phantomjs-launcher': '1.0.0', 21 silly publish 'karma-phantomjs-shim': '1.2.0', 21 silly publish 'karma-sourcemap-loader': '0.3.7', 21 silly publish 'karma-webpack': '1.7.0', 21 silly publish 'live-server': '0.9.2', 21 silly publish lodash: '4.8.2', 21 silly publish 'ng-annotate-loader': '0.1.0', 21 silly publish 'ng-annotate-webpack-plugin': '0.1.2', 21 silly publish 'ngtemplate-loader': '1.3.1', 21 silly publish 'node-sass': '3.4.2', 21 silly publish 'omit-tilde-webpack-plugin': '0.1.1', 21 silly publish 'phantomjs-prebuilt': '2.1.7', 21 silly publish 'postcss-loader': '0.8.2', 21 silly publish 'sass-loader': '3.2.0', 21 silly publish 'source-map-loader': '0.1.5', 21 silly publish standard: '6.0.8', 21 silly publish 'style-loader': '0.13.1', 21 silly publish 'url-loader': '0.5.7', 21 silly publish webpack: '1.12.14', 21 silly publish 'webpack-combine-loaders': '2.0.0', 21 silly publish 'webpack-dev-server': '1.14.1' }, 21 silly publish bin: { readini: './bin/readini.js', ini2js: './bin/ini2js.js' }, 21 silly publish engines: { node: '>=4.0.0' }, 21 silly publish readme: '# Systematic\n\nAn opinionated toolchain to package ES6 applications and libraries.\n\nFeatures :\n\n * Import all kind of file and output a bundle thanks to Webpack\n * Full es6 support\n * Code style and linting with standard\n * Translations management\n * Settings management\n\n\n# Installation\n\nnpm install systematic\n\nYour file structure:\n\n\n├── dist # result of the build\n│   └── bundle.js\n│   └── index.html\n├── src\n│    ├── module_1 # your modules\n│    ├── module_2\n│    ├── index.html # HTML entry point, only for an application\n│    └── index.js # JS entry point\n└── systematic.ini # systematic config\n\n\n\n## Entry point\n\n_ The default source folder (containing your source code and tests) is src. It must contain an entrypoint file named index.js. Example:\n\n javascript\n import \'./module_1\'\n import \'./module_2\'\n\n\n* If your project is an application, there must be an HTML entry point named index.html in the source folder, containing the primary page. Your JS entry point will be automatically added.\nExample:\n\n html\n <!DOCTYPE html>\n <html lang="en">\n <head>\n <meta charset="utf-8">\n <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">\n <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">\n <title>Your website</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <!-- Some application bootstrap !-->\n </body>\n </html>\n\n\n\n## Config files\n\n* Systematic requires a systematic.ini configuration file in the root folder of your project. Find out all the available options in systematic.example.ini\n\n* Define the webpack config: create a file webpack.config.js at the root of the projet. Example:\n\n javascript\n // import systematic default webpack settings\n const webpackDefaults = require(\'systematic\').webpack_get_defaults(__dirname)\n\n // optional overrides example\n webpackDefaults.loader.push({ test: /\\.file_extension_example$/, loaders: [\'my-loader\'] },)\n\n module.exports = webpackDefaults\n\n\n\n* Define the karma config: create a file webpack.config.js at the root of the projet. Example:\n\n javascript\n // import systematic default karma settings\n const karmaDefaults = require(\'systematic\').karma_get_defaults(__dirname)\n\n // optional overrides example\n karmaDefaults.plugins.push(\'my-plugin\')\n\n module.exports = karma => karma.set(karmaDefaults)\n\n\n\n# Usage\n\nSystematic uses a makefile, get all commands with make help.\n\n## Build\n\nmake serve to run a local server.\nmake dist for a prod build.\n\n## Run tests\n\nmake test runs all test that match the test file pattern (default **/*tests.js).\nmake livetest run test continuously, when a file changes\n\n## Translations\n\nmake makemessages generates translations using easygettext.\nThe resulting .po files will be in /locale.\n\nmake translations generates a JSON file from them, located at /translations.json.\n\nYou can then load them in your JS as an object:\n``javascript\nimport translations from \'dist/translations.json\'\n`\n\n## Settings\n\nmake settingsgenerates a file/app.settings.jsif your project is an application.\n\nIt needs to be included in your index.html, since it will not be added by Webpack.\n\nThis method allows to change the settings without redeploying the app.\n\n\n# Build profiles\n\nFrom systematic.ini\'sprofileoption. For now, only theangularprofile is supported on top of the\nnaturalvanillaprofile.\n\n## Angular\n\nValue :angular\n\nAdds the [ng-annotate]( loader.\n\n\n# TODO\n\n## Add a sample project on Github.\n\n## Source Maps issue\n\nSource maps does not seem to work very well onmake dist. We tried:\n\n * This issue only happen when the flag--optimize-minimizeis given\n * Usewebpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugininstead of--optimize-minimize`\n * There is a warning in bluetils-js with ui-router source map missing, but is does not seem to be the root of the problem.\n\n\n# License\n\nMIT\n', 21 silly publish readmeFilename: '', 21 silly publish gitHead: '72578ca279ceb01cb7bdfcfc49bcdf25a4b39896', 21 silly publish bugs: { url: '' }, 21 silly publish homepage: '', 21 silly publish _id: 'systematic@0.1.2', 21 silly publish _shasum: 'e872df49502941c6612eefcab2ad08a71554b777', 21 silly publish _from: '.' } 22 verbose getPublishConfig { registry: '' } 23 silly mapToRegistry name systematic 24 silly mapToRegistry using default registry 25 silly mapToRegistry registry 26 silly mapToRegistry data Result { 26 silly mapToRegistry raw: 'systematic', 26 silly mapToRegistry scope: null, 26 silly mapToRegistry name: 'systematic', 26 silly mapToRegistry rawSpec: '', 26 silly mapToRegistry spec: 'latest', 26 silly mapToRegistry type: 'tag' } 27 silly mapToRegistry uri 28 verbose publish registryBase 29 silly publish uploading /home/raphael/.npm/systematic/0.1.2/package.tgz 30 verbose request uri 31 verbose request sending authorization for write operation 32 info attempt registry request try #1 at 4:03:05 PM 33 verbose request using bearer token for auth 34 verbose request id b10fea5b567bdbab 35 http request PUT 36 http 403 37 verbose headers { 'content-type': 'application/json', 37 verbose headers 'cache-control': 'max-age=300', 37 verbose headers 'content-length': '104', 37 verbose headers 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 37 verbose headers date: 'Tue, 03 May 2016 14:03:06 GMT', 37 verbose headers via: '1.1 varnish', 37 verbose headers connection: 'keep-alive', 37 verbose headers 'x-served-by': 'cache-lcy1131-LCY', 37 verbose headers 'x-cache': 'MISS', 37 verbose headers 'x-cache-hits': '0', 37 verbose headers 'x-timer': 'S1462284185.765515,VS0,VE578', 37 verbose headers vary: 'Accept-Encoding' } 38 verbose request invalidating /home/raphael/.npm/ on PUT 39 error publish Failed PUT 403 40 verbose stack Error: you do not have permission to publish "systematic". Are you logged in as the correct user? : systematic 40 verbose stack at makeError (/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/lib/request.js:264:12) 40 verbose stack at CachingRegistryClient. (/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/lib/request.js:252:14) 40 verbose stack at Request._callback (/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/npm-registry-client/lib/request.js:172:14) 40 verbose stack at Request.self.callback (/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/request.js:199:22) 40 verbose stack at emitTwo (events.js:100:13) 40 verbose stack at Request.emit (events.js:185:7) 40 verbose stack at Request. (/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/request.js:1036:10) 40 verbose stack at emitOne (events.js:95:20) 40 verbose stack at Request.emit (events.js:182:7) 40 verbose stack at IncomingMessage. (/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/request.js:963:12) 41 verbose statusCode 403 42 verbose pkgid systematic 43 verbose cwd /home/raphael/dev/systematic 44 error Linux 3.16.0-70-generic 45 error argv "/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/bin/node" "/home/raphael/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/bin/npm" "publish" "--registry" "" 46 error node v5.11.0 47 error npm v3.8.6 48 error code E403 49 error you do not have permission to publish "systematic". Are you logged in as the correct user? : systematic 50 error If you need help, you may report this error at: 50 error 51 verbose exit [ 1, true ]

ramabouda commented 8 years ago

Looks like there was a delay, i was able to publish two days later

npm-robot commented 7 years ago

We're closing this issue as it has gone seven days without activity and without being labeled. If we haven't even labeled in issue in seven days then we're unlikely to ever read it.

If you are still experiencing the issue that led to you opening this or this is a feature request you're still interested in then we encourage you to open a new issue. If this was a support issue, you may be better served by joining package.communty and asking your question there.

For more information about our new issue aging policies and why we've instituted them please see our blog post.