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Authentication Required issue while installing Grunt - Unable to install grunt #7772

Closed ArunkumarSM closed 9 years ago

ArunkumarSM commented 9 years ago

While installing grunt it throws some error like "You must be authenticated to access this URL".


C:\Windows\System32>npm install -g grunt-cli
npm ERR! registry error parsing json
npm ERR! Windows_NT 6.1.7601
npm ERR! argv "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files (
x86)\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install" "-g" "grunt-cli"
npm ERR! node v0.12.1
npm ERR! npm  v2.5.1

npm ERR! Unexpected token <
npm ERR! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://">
npm ERR! <html>
npm ERR! <!-- FileName: index.html
npm ERR!      Language: [en]
npm ERR! -->
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npm ERR!   <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
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npm ERR!   <title>McAfee Web Gateway - Notification</title>
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="text/javascript" ></script>
npm ERR!   <link rel="stylesheet" href="/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/files/defaul
t/stylesheet.css" />
npm ERR! </head>
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npm ERR!       <td class='bodyData' background='/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/file
npm ERR! <!--Logo-->
npm ERR! <table class='logoTable'>
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npm ERR!     <td class='logoData'>
npm ERR!         <img src='/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/files/default/img/kc30whi
npm ERR!         <br/>
npm ERR!         <i><b>This Page was not reached in error.</i></b>
npm ERR!     </td>
npm ERR!  <!--   <td class='logoDataTwo'>
npm ERR!         <img src='/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/files/default/img/logo_mw
g.png' align="right">
npm ERR!     </td>
npm ERR! -->
npm ERR!   </tr>
npm ERR! </table>
npm ERR! <!--/Logo-->
npm ERR! <!--Contents-->
npm ERR! <!-- FileName: authenticationrequired.html
npm ERR!      Language: [en]
npm ERR! -->
npm ERR! <!--Title-->
npm ERR! <table class='titleTable' background='/mwg-internal/de5fs23hu73ds/files
npm ERR!   <tr>
npm ERR!     <td class='titleData'>
npm ERR!       Authentication Required
npm ERR!     </td>
npm ERR!   </tr>
npm ERR! </table>
npm ERR! <!--/Title-->
npm ERR!
npm ERR! <!--Content-->
npm ERR! <table class="contentTable">
npm ERR!   <tr>
npm ERR!     <td class="contentData">
npm ERR! </br>
npm ERR!       You must be authenticated to access this URL.</br>
npm ERR!     </td>
npm ERR!   </tr>
npm ERR! </table>
npm ERR! <!--/Content-->
npm ERR!
npm ERR! <!--Info-->
npm ERR! <table class="infoTable">
npm ERR!   <tr>
npm ERR!     <td class="infoData">
npm ERR!       <b>URL: </b><script type="text/javascript">break_line("http://reg");</script><br />
npm ERR!     </td>
npm ERR!   </tr>
npm ERR! </table>
npm ERR! <!--/Info-->
npm ERR!
npm ERR! <!--/Contents-->
npm ERR! <!--Policy-->
npm ERR! <table class='policyTable'>
npm ERR!   <tr>
npm ERR!     <td class='policyHeading'>
npm ERR! <br/>
npm ERR! <hr>
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npm ERR!   </tr>
npm ERR!   <tr>
npm ERR!     <td class='policyData'>
npm ERR!       </td>
npm ERR!   </tr>
npm ERR! </table>
npm ERR! <!--/Policy-->
npm ERR! <!--Foot-->
npm ERR! <table class='footTable'>
npm ERR!   <tr>
npm ERR!   <td class='TheDeskHeading'>
npm ERR!    <p> For additional assistance, please review </p>
npm ERR!     <a href="
%20Information%20Wiki/Internet%20Acceptable%20Use%20Policy.aspx" target="_blank"
>Kimberly-Clark's Acceptable Use Policy on the Internet</a><br/>
npm ERR! or <br/>
npm ERR! contact
npm ERR! <a href="" targe
t="_blank">  TheDESK </a>
npm ERR! (formerly Global IT Service Desk)
npm ERR!  </p>
npm ERR!  </td>
npm ERR!   </tr>
npm ERR!   <tr>
npm ERR!     <td class='footData'>
npm ERR!       generated <span id="time">2015-03-27 06:15:25</span> by McAfee We
b Gateway ustcap41
npm ERR!       <br />
npm ERR!       npm/2.5.1 node/v0.12.1 win32 ia32
npm ERR!     </td>
npm ERR!   </tr>
npm ERR! </table>
npm ERR! <!--/Foot-->
npm ERR!       </td>
npm ERR!     </tr>
npm ERR!   </table>
npm ERR! <table class='hidden'>
npm ERR! <tr><td>Client IP:</td><td></td>
npm ERR! <tr><td>Auth User:</td><td></td>
npm ERR! <tr><td>URL Dest IP:</td><td></td>
npm ERR! <tr><td>URL Category:</td><td></td>
npm ERR! <tr><td>Proxy IP:</td><td></td>
npm ERR! </table>
npm ERR! </p>
npm ERR! </body>
npm ERR! <!--/Body-->
npm ERR! </html>
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR!     <>

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     C:\Windows\System32\npm-debug.log
louisremi commented 9 years ago

This is a problem with your enterprise proxy, as suggested by the line: For additional assistance, please review Kimberly-Clark's Acceptable Use Policy on the Internet

smikes commented 9 years ago

You need to tell npm how to access files through your proxy; something like:

npm config set http_proxy

Your IT staff may be able to help.

ehsalazar commented 9 years ago

We haven’t heard back and we’re trying to clean up some old issues.  If this is still a problem, can you please reply and let us know?  We’ll be happy to reopen if necessary.

nishachopra1012 commented 8 years ago

Hi ,

This is still an issue . Please suggest .

alfonsomartinde commented 8 years ago

I'm facing the same problem. I think it's related with McAfee Web Gateway. I found an unanswered question in Stack Overflow about the same