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Help - using grunt-forever #9570

Closed yogieputra8 closed 9 years ago

yogieputra8 commented 9 years ago

I have a yeoman angular web that I run with grunt serve.

I want to make this app running all the time. I never use any of forever module before.

I found and using a module called grunt-forever - But I don't know how to set up my gruntfile.js to use it to call the grunt serve command.

The server section of my grunt file is the standard one that gets generated by yeoman for an angular application. Here they are my Gruntfile.js:

    root@SUPERMAN:~/Powercube_V3# cat Gruntfile.js 
    // Generated on 2015-08-29 using generator-angular 0.12.1
    'use strict';

    // # Globbing
    // for performance reasons we're only matching one level down:
    // 'test/spec/{,*/}*.js'
    // use this if you want to recursively match all subfolders:
    // 'test/spec/**/*.js'

    module.exports = function (grunt) {

      // Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times

      // Automatically load required Grunt tasks
      require('jit-grunt')(grunt, {
        useminPrepare: 'grunt-usemin',
        ngtemplates: 'grunt-angular-templates',
        cdnify: 'grunt-google-cdn'

      // Configurable paths for the application
      var appConfig = {
        app: require('./bower.json').appPath || 'app',
        dist: 'dist'

      // Define the configuration for all the tasks

        // Project settings
        yeoman: appConfig,

        // Forever Start
        forever: {
          server1: {
            options: {
               index: 'app/script/app.js',
               logDir: 'app/script/logs'

        // Watches files for changes and runs tasks based on the changed files
        watch: {
          bower: {
            files: ['bower.json'],
            tasks: ['wiredep']
          js: {
            files: ['<%= %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js'],
            tasks: ['newer:jshint:all'],
            options: {
              livereload: '<%= connect.options.livereload %>'
          jsTest: {
            files: ['test/spec/{,*/}*.js'],
            tasks: ['newer:jshint:test', 'karma']
          styles: {
            files: ['<%= %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'],
            tasks: ['newer:copy:styles', 'autoprefixer']
          gruntfile: {
            files: ['Gruntfile.js']
          livereload: {
            options: {
              livereload: '<%= connect.options.livereload %>'
            files: [
              '<%= %>/{,*/}*.html',
              '<%= %>/images/{,*/}*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,webp,svg}'

        // The actual grunt server settings
        connect: {
          options: {
            port: 9000,
            // Change this to '' to access the server from outside.
            hostname: '',
            livereload: 35729
          livereload: {
            options: {
              open: true,
              middleware: function (connect) {
                return [
          test: {
            options: {
              port: 9001,
              middleware: function (connect) {
                return [
          dist: {
            options: {
              open: true,
              base: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'

        // Make sure code styles are up to par and there are no obvious mistakes
        jshint: {
          options: {
            jshintrc: '.jshintrc',
            reporter: require('jshint-stylish')
          all: {
            src: [
              '<%= %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js'
          test: {
            options: {
              jshintrc: 'test/.jshintrc'
            src: ['test/spec/{,*/}*.js']

        // Empties folders to start fresh
        clean: {
          dist: {
            files: [{
              dot: true,
              src: [
                '<%= yeoman.dist %>/{,*/}*',
                '!<%= yeoman.dist %>/.git{,*/}*'
          server: '.tmp'

        // Add vendor prefixed styles
        autoprefixer: {
          options: {
            browsers: ['last 1 version']
          server: {
            options: {
              map: true,
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              cwd: '.tmp/styles/',
              src: '{,*/}*.css',
              dest: '.tmp/styles/'
          dist: {
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              cwd: '.tmp/styles/',
              src: '{,*/}*.css',
              dest: '.tmp/styles/'

        // Automatically inject Bower components into the app
        wiredep: {
          app: {
            src: ['<%= %>/index.html'],
            ignorePath:  /\.\.\//
          test: {
            devDependencies: true,
            src: '<%= karma.unit.configFile %>',
            ignorePath:  /\.\.\//,
              js: {
                block: /(([\s\t]*)\/{2}\s*?bower:\s*?(\S*))(\n|\r|.)*?(\/{2}\s*endbower)/gi,
                  detect: {
                    js: /'(.*\.js)'/gi
                  replace: {
                    js: '\'{{filePath}}\','

        // Renames files for browser caching purposes
        filerev: {
          dist: {
            src: [
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js',
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css',
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images/{,*/}*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,webp,svg}',
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/fonts/*'

        // Reads HTML for usemin blocks to enable smart builds that automatically
        // concat, minify and revision files. Creates configurations in memory so
        // additional tasks can operate on them
        useminPrepare: {
          html: '<%= %>/index.html',
          options: {
            dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
            flow: {
              html: {
                steps: {
                  js: ['concat', 'uglifyjs'],
                  css: ['cssmin']
                post: {}

        // Performs rewrites based on filerev and the useminPrepare configuration
        usemin: {
          html: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/{,*/}*.html'],
          css: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/{,*/}*.css'],
          js: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/{,*/}*.js'],
          options: {
            assetsDirs: [
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images',
              '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles'
            patterns: {
              js: [[/(images\/[^''""]*\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|webp|svg))/g, 'Replacing references to images']]

        // The following *-min tasks will produce minified files in the dist folder
        // By default, your `index.html`'s <!-- Usemin block --> will take care of
        // minification. These next options are pre-configured if you do not wish
        // to use the Usemin blocks.
        // cssmin: {
        //   dist: {
        //     files: {
        //       '<%= yeoman.dist %>/styles/main.css': [
        //         '.tmp/styles/{,*/}*.css'
        //       ]
        //     }
        //   }
        // },
        // uglify: {
        //   dist: {
        //     files: {
        //       '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/scripts.js': [
        //         '<%= yeoman.dist %>/scripts/scripts.js'
        //       ]
        //     }
        //   }
        // },
        // concat: {
        //   dist: {}
        // },

        imagemin: {
          dist: {
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              cwd: '<%= %>/images',
              src: '{,*/}*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif}',
              dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images'

        svgmin: {
          dist: {
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              cwd: '<%= %>/images',
              src: '{,*/}*.svg',
              dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images'

        htmlmin: {
          dist: {
            options: {
              collapseWhitespace: true,
              conservativeCollapse: true,
              collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
              removeCommentsFromCDATA: true
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              cwd: '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
              src: ['*.html'],
              dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'

        ngtemplates: {
          dist: {
            options: {
              module: 'powercubeApp',
              htmlmin: '<%= htmlmin.dist.options %>',
              usemin: 'scripts/scripts.js'
            cwd: '<%= %>',
            src: 'views/{,*/}*.html',
            dest: '.tmp/templateCache.js'

        // ng-annotate tries to make the code safe for minification automatically
        // by using the Angular long form for dependency injection.
        ngAnnotate: {
          dist: {
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              cwd: '.tmp/concat/scripts',
              src: '*.js',
              dest: '.tmp/concat/scripts'

        // Replace Google CDN references
        cdnify: {
          dist: {
            html: ['<%= yeoman.dist %>/*.html']

        // Copies remaining files to places other tasks can use
        copy: {
          dist: {
            files: [{
              expand: true,
              dot: true,
              cwd: '<%= %>',
              dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>',
              src: [
            }, {
              expand: true,
              cwd: '.tmp/images',
              dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/images',
              src: ['generated/*']
            }, {
              expand: true,
              cwd: 'bower_components/bootstrap/dist',
              src: 'fonts/*',
              dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'
          styles: {
            expand: true,
            cwd: '<%= %>/styles',
            dest: '.tmp/styles/',
            src: '{,*/}*.css'

        // Run some tasks in parallel to speed up the build process
        concurrent: {
          server: [
          test: [
          dist: [

        // Test settings
        karma: {
          unit: {
            configFile: 'test/karma.conf.js',
            singleRun: true

      grunt.registerTask('serve', 'Compile then start a connect web server', function (target) {
        if (target === 'dist') {
          return['build', 'connect:dist:keepalive']);

      grunt.registerTask('server', 'DEPRECATED TASK. Use the "serve" task instead', function (target) {
        grunt.log.warn('The `server` task has been deprecated. Use `grunt serve` to start a server.');['serve:' + target]);

      grunt.registerTask('test', [

      grunt.registerTask('build', [

      grunt.registerTask('default', [



Here is my Project's structure looks like: projec

In the last line of my Gruntfile.js I already add grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-forever');. When I do grunt forever:server1:start the terminal show me this messages:

    Running "forever:server1:start" (forever) task
    Attempting to start app/script/app.js as daemon.
    Warning: app/script/app.js is already running. Use --force to continue.

    Aborted due to warnings.

    Execution Time (2015-09-13 09:32:00 UTC)
    loading tasks          627ms  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 96%
    forever:server1:start   27ms  ▇▇ 4%
    Total 655ms 

And here I added --force:

Running "forever:server1:start" (forever) task
Attempting to start app/script/app.js as daemon.
Warning: app/script/app.js is already running. Used --force, continuing.
    uid  command         script            forever pid   id logfile                 uptime  
[0] aqoJ /usr/bin/nodejs app/script/app.js 13811   13814    /root/.forever/aqoJ.log STOPPED 

Done, but with warnings.

Execution Time (2015-09-13 09:45:24 UTC)
loading tasks          377ms  ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 89%
forever:server1:start   44ms  ▇▇▇▇▇ 10%
Total 422ms

But nothing happen after this. Now, what else should I do to make my web keep alive at my ubuntu server?

kenany commented 9 years ago

@yogieputra8 Sorry, this does not look like an issue with npm to me. Perhaps you should try asking one of the authors of the module(s) you are having difficulty with, since they will know way more about their own module then anyone here will.

yogieputra8 commented 9 years ago

@KenanY ah I'm sorry, my bad. I'll move this issue to the related page