At the moment, NPMO shows the list of the latest modules published to the Registry, mixing both scoped and public modules... The current page that displays the recent updates is https://npmo/browse/updated.
Some project managers felt they need to see only the internal, private, scoped modules published by our own company. That means:
What are the internal modules are Engineers have published?
We thought that this could be something like the following:
A filter in the endpoint /browse/updated could help engineers/managers to see those.
Display more of a time line timeline style like GitHub does, showing the name, description, version, github repo they are coming from, including whatever makes sense.
@bcoe Is there any way to get this one as well? Some managers are already asking to see reports around the internal published libraries instead of using the search capability.
At the moment, NPMO shows the list of the latest modules published to the Registry, mixing both scoped and public modules... The current page that displays the recent updates is
Some project managers felt they need to see only the internal, private, scoped modules published by our own company. That means:
We thought that this could be something like the following:
could help engineers/managers to see those.This was an ask from a Project Manager.