npm / npme-installer

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node-redis issue in npme edit-homepage command #151

Open kevinSuttle opened 8 years ago

kevinSuttle commented 8 years ago
npme edit-homepage list
browserify (13.0.1) jmm
grunt-cli (1.2.0) vladikoff
bower (1.7.9) sheerun
gulp (3.9.1) phated
grunt (1.0.1) shama
express (4.13.4) dougwilson
npm (3.9.0) iarna
cordova (6.1.1) kotikov.vladimir
forever (0.15.1) indexzero
less (2.7.1) matthew-dean
pm2 (1.1.3) tknew
karma (0.13.22) dignifiedquire
coffee-script (1.10.0) jashkenas
statsd (0.8.0) pkhzzrd
yo (1.8.2) sboudrias
node_redis: Using .end() without the flush parameter is deprecated and throws from v.3.0.0 on.
Please check the doku ( and explictly use flush.