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[RRFC] Locally computed integrity values in the lockfile #757

Open ericcornelissen opened 7 months ago

ericcornelissen commented 7 months ago

Motivation ("The Why")

Locally computed integrity values would allow projects to use the strongest available cryptographic hash for all the dependencies they have. In particular, when a registry doesn't support strong integrity values (i.e. sha1) a locally computed integrity value (e.g. using sha512) could improve the project's security.


Currently, installing any package from GitLab's npm registry always results in a sha1 integrity value (source). A concrete example:

$ npm --version                 

$ echo "@gitlab-org:registry=" >>.npmrc

$ npm install @gitlab-org/jsfuzz

results in the following entry in package-lock.json:

  "node_modules/@gitlab-org/jsfuzz": {
    "version": "1.2.3",
    "resolved": "",

    // NOTICE: a 'sha1' integrity value
    "integrity": "sha1-QoDvllUJn7N7jMRUpYBSOmUGiwE=",

    "dependencies": {
      "deep-equal": "^1.1.0",
      "istanbul-lib-hook": "^3.0.0",
      "istanbul-lib-instrument": "^3.3.0",
      "nyc": "^15.1.0",
      "pidusage": "^2.0.17",
      "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.13",
      "yargs": "^14.2.0"
    "bin": {
      "jsfuzz": "build/src/index.js"

There is, as far as I'm aware no mechanism for npm to instead put a sha512 hash in the lockfile.


Current Behaviour

Whenever the npm CLI puts integrity values in the lockfile, it uses the integrity value provided by registry.

Desired Behaviour

High level

The npm CLI should put locally computed integrity values -- computed using the "strongest" available, or a specified, hashing algorithm -- in the lockfile.

  1. The npm CLI performs the installation process as it currently works (including, presumably, checking if the registry provided integrity value matches the package content).
  2. The npm CLI recomputes the integrity value using the "strongest" available or the specified hashing algorithm and puts that value in the lockfile.
    • Of course, if the registry provided value is already using that algorithm, the implementation could skip recomputing it.

At a minimum I would like to see an option that allows users to specify what hashing algorithm to use when installing.

I personally think it would make sense for the npm CLI to default to a "stronger" algorithm when no such option is provided. In the current state, where sha1 and sha512 are supported, this would mean defaulting to sha512. But, in case there's any concerns about this point, I don't think it's crucial.

