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Unable to find a readme after npm publish #395

Closed qianzhao closed 6 years ago

qianzhao commented 6 years ago

I'm opening this issue because:

npm is doing something I don't understand.


I just published the package as I always did, I didn't get errors or problems. But npm no longer find readme file after npm publish: I got the following messages shows up since then:

Unable to find a readme for @digital-working-lab/eslint-config-boostmyapps@1.1.8

supporting information:

cronvel commented 6 years ago

Same here. After npm publish, the website does not find my anymore. By the way the repo on Github has it, and I confirm that if I npm install it, the file is here.

I never had any issue with until now...

My package is nextgen-events (here on Github).

qianzhao commented 6 years ago

@cronvel i have the same issue you. And if I download the package from the registry using npm install, the is contained normally as I expect.

AlbertHambardzumyan commented 6 years ago

Same here for private package

GregOnNet commented 6 years ago


I experience the same problem publishing my package: kentan-schematics

If I click test in your browser and ope RunKit the README is displayed as expected: RunKit + kentan-schematics

EDIT Meanwhile, my README is shown. Maybe it takes a while after publishing a package.

EDIT 2 After updating my package the README was not displayed but reappeared after a few minutes.

SlexAxton commented 6 years ago

this also happened to the release of I just did

cronvel commented 6 years ago

Same here: it was not working for 30min, then suddenly the page appeared.

hodgef commented 6 years ago

Indeed, I raised this issue earlier a few days ago but it fixed itself after several minutes.. It must have been broken this week, since last week this didn't happen. Very annoying issue, especially since GitHub is updated immediately.

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jefflembeck commented 6 years ago

Hey all, thanks for pointing this out. We've got a fix in and the issue should be resolved shortly. Let us know if this happens again.

AlbertHambardzumyan commented 6 years ago

Does this fix reflect on private packages as well? I still do have it broken for my private package published few hours ago "Unable to find a readme for ...

danielmeneses commented 6 years ago

Hi all, yes, same here. published just now and I'm getting that missing readme msg.

melanieseltzer commented 6 years ago

Hi, me too. Hasn't resolved yet, been over an hour since publishing.

BernhardBehrendt commented 6 years ago

Hi same here

Had this very often the last months and mostly solved by a version increase and publish again. But today it won't work.

AlbertHambardzumyan commented 6 years ago

I think @jefflembeck was in a hurry to close the issue and have not mentioned that it's not gonna reflect on already published ones. I saw many packages are published again after he mentioned about the fix and it works for them. So, my assumption is that we need to re-publish te get it affected, which might be a weird solution.

BernhardBehrendt commented 6 years ago

3rd time re-publish within one hour.. so cannot confirm it's working.

But doing a test like this:

mkdir test
cd ./test
npm init -y
npm install --save fetchbot

cat ./node_modules/fetchbot/

Shows up the file is present in the package.

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melanieseltzer commented 6 years ago

My readme is back 😄 I never re-published my package so it seems like you don't have to to get it working again.

zsoltime commented 6 years ago

Yes, mine are back too and I didn't need to republish them. 😄

qianzhao commented 6 years ago

Yes, My readme is back too. Thanks @jefflembeck

jefflembeck commented 6 years ago

This seems to be fixed again. I'm running through every one that I've found submitted so far.

AlbertHambardzumyan commented 6 years ago

It got back as I re-published it.

technikhil314 commented 6 years ago

@jefflembeck I am still facing the issue. Do I need to republish just to get my readme back. Here is my package

kozhevnikov commented 6 years ago

@nikhil-001mehta your package doesn't have a readme, try npm pack angular-2-daterangepicker and check the contents of the tgz.

Stradivario commented 6 years ago

So you are Writing README to another server from where you take the info ? In this case server will not have to load the whole GIT repo to show only single README ?

postspectacular commented 6 years ago

I'm still encountering this issue with at least 2 packages, both of which have a readme:

nicky-lenaers commented 6 years ago

Still having this issue on

strouhaljan commented 6 years ago

We also have this issue on :(

branderzhai commented 6 years ago

Still having this issue on

strouhaljan commented 6 years ago

Looks like it just takes some time for npm to show readme after releasing. Our readme was fixed overnight.

julianobrasil commented 6 years ago

I'm seeing this issue on

wulfraem commented 6 years ago

We also have this issue on I can npm i it and verify, that the is included; the RunKit page shows it as well. Oo

jalbertsr commented 6 years ago

we have the same issue too

update: just be patient it seems it takes some time for npm to show readme after releasing. Our readme was fixed overnight.

rafaelquines commented 6 years ago

Still having this issue on 3 of 4 my packages:

Can help?

wulfraem commented 6 years ago

Fixed for me in latest publish. I published two versions without the README showing up at all and the latest publish had it instantly.

benjamincharity commented 6 years ago

Still seeing this annoying bug

kmuthukumar23 commented 6 years ago

We are also facing the same issue on


can anyone suggests me to resolve this.?

muenzpraeger commented 6 years ago

I'm also having this issue since a few versions.

I uploaded a perfectly correct tgz.

nch3ng commented 6 years ago

I'm having this issue: Anyone knows why?

andreiflaviusivan commented 6 years ago

Hello, Same problem here on my package

Readme exists