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Readmes missing after publishing a new package #442

Open Reinmar opened 6 years ago

Reinmar commented 6 years ago

A month ago I reported a bug that readmes are missing after an outage of npm registry.

Turns out it wasn't the outage's fault. Today I released the same set of packages and, after this release, different ones don't have readmes.


Reinmar commented 6 years ago

The readme got published fine, so it's only a problem with the website:


Lcfvs commented 6 years ago

The readme got published fine... but it isn't only a website problem.

During the install, I got this:

npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\xxx\package.json'
npm WARN saveError EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\xxx\package-lock.json.3985737054'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\xxx\package.json'
npm WARN !invalid#1 No description
npm WARN !invalid#1 No repository field.
npm WARN !invalid#1 No README data
npm WARN !invalid#1 No license field.

+ @lcf.vs/css-ui@2.2.9
Reinmar commented 6 years ago

I wrote about this on (in a reply to an info about that specific pkg being published) and today I got a reply – the npm team rerendered that pkg and not it looks ok. However:

We still see this issue sometimes, I'm afraid. Please let me know if it comes up for you again.

So if you guys will run into this, it seems that the best option is to write an email.

fearthecowboy commented 6 years ago

Happening to me too:

raisedadead commented 6 years ago - as well

mlewand commented 6 years ago

Had same thing today for a brief moment when publishing package. After couple of mins it started to work as expected.