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TW-ICE2017 aka. GlacierFront protist data from IOPAN to Darwin Core #50

Open cnrdh opened 2 years ago

cnrdh commented 2 years ago
    75 TW-ICE2017-handnet.tsv
   347 TW-ICE2017-phytoplankton.tsv 

This and other 2017 data is already published:

filchos commented 2 years ago

@cnrdh could you explain more explicitly what this issue is about?

Especially: Is there any data I can use? Where? Is there anything that I should do? What?

cnrdh commented 2 years ago

Yes, track down the complete (>=1015 lines) original IOPAN legacy data ie. GlacierFront2017/TW-ICE2017 phytoplankton & handnet. The first 3 lines should look like this:

~/npolar/marine-db$ head -n3 /home/conrad/npolar/marine-db/data/deposit/2017/GlacierFront2017/TW-ICE2017-phytoplankton.tsv

"name"  "no"    "station "  "depth" "data"  "V-taken [ml]"  "Vth filtered [L]"  "V bottle [ml]" "Class\Phyllum" "takson"    "add"   "K" "N" "fields"    "magn"  "cells in chamb"    "cells in V bottle [ml]"    " abundance"    "gear"  "foto"  "who"
"GlacierFront"  25  "Cc3 "  10  2017    50  1   1000    "Prymnesiophyceae"  "Algirosphaera sp."     16635.11    1   364 60  45.7008516483517    914.017032967033    914.017032967033    "niskin"        "AT"
"GlacierFront"  25  "Cc3 "  10  2017    50  1   1000    "Euglenoidea"   "Eutreptiella sp."      16635.11    50  16  60  51984.71875 1039694.375 1039694.375 "niskin"        "AT"
filchos commented 2 years ago

Can you deliver this dataset as NDJSON following DwC?

cnrdh commented 2 years ago

No, since I don't have the complete original data.

Update: Yes, checked with AW and the published dataset has a misleading title and also other samples from 2017…

cnrdh commented 2 years ago

The following PHT fieldNumber not found:


Handnet file (74 lines) lacks fileldNumber. No handnet in sample log either, except these with shared metadata:

cnrdh commented 2 years ago

Puh, a little involving to smosh together samling events based on station.